
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Ranking The Songs of Equestira Girls

Hello  & welcome back to Trotting Through Life and today,  I'm doing a special EQG  article ranking all of the songs from the film from worst to best.  Seeing as the sequel is coming out and it seems to focus on music, I wanted to look back at the music of the first film and rank them. 

6.  My  Little Pony (Equestira Girls)  Opening 

I realize that I am in the minority of Bronies that actually likes the MLP theme song and when I first heard the Equestira Girls version,  I hated it.   I'm sorry but this is not the My Little Pony theme song that I have come to know and love and while I do understand changing it for the film,  it just sounds too distant from the theme song that is in my opinion, one of the best theme songs of any animated series in recent memory and to have this parading around as the theme just left a bitter taste in my mouth.   I've warmed up to it over time but it's  still my least favorite number from the film and it was really the only one, where I knew it had to be.

5.   Time To Come Together

This is in no means, a bad song but  I don't know compared to something like This is Our Big Night or Helping Twilight Win The Crown,  I find it kinda forgettable and a little boring. It's a decent song but it doesn't stay with me.  The message is good and all but I don't know,  story wise, this is the weakest number whereas overall,  I feel the MLP remix is the weakest number looking at the numbers that actually appear in the film, this is the weakest, it's not bad and I do enjoy it but it's one that I often return to.

4.  This Strange World

Ah,  now we get to the songs I really like.  This is just a great number that I can listen to again  and again.  It's such a great piece as Twilight is trying to adjust to this new world and I love watching her take on that challenge and this number does a great job of reflecting how our favorite adorkable nerd feels out of place because well, you would if you'd never been human before.    I guess my only complaint about this song is that I wish it was longer but that's not a hit against the song itself.

3.  This is Our Big Night 

This is perhaps the second most fun song in the film and  I just love the repetition and the background music in this one and oh my Celestia,  Pinkie Pie's various hairstyles  just had me rolling on the floor with laughter.    It's odd,  because Time To Come Together also uses repetition but I find that this one  does it better.  It just sucks me with the upbeat nature of the song and just makes me  feel happy.

2.  A Friend For Life

I honestly feel like this song gets overlooked because it's played over the ending credits and I get it,  I usually don't pay attention to songs that play over the end credits either but this one is different.  This song captures what this franchise is about,  perhaps even better than...   dare I say it,   A True, True Friend.  Okay, before you start attacking me on this,  I love A True, True Friend.  It's the best song from season 3 but A Friend For Life is about all the girls will always be friends and  how even though as the song points out, friendships will be tested, they are worth fighting for, if you believe in your friends and not to give up on them because you may lose someone special in your life.  And both the movie and the show have shown that friendships aren't easy and that you have to fight to keep your friends.  Well, I wouldn't say fight but understand what they need.

1.  Helping Twilight Win The Crown

Yeah,  obvious pick but what can I say the Brony community was not wrong on this one.  There's a reason that this is the most popular song from this movie.  It's just so darn catchy and once you hear it, it never leaves your head and it's  just fun.  

Not like that but that is a good song but we aren't to talk about fun but why this song is Fun.  This  is the first moment, we get to see the Humane 6  come together towards a common goal and man, can they rock those sweaters.  Does anyone know if you can actually buy a Wondercolts Sweater because I'd love to wear that over my Doctor Whooves shirt.  Man, I'm such a nerd but anyways, this song is just great as besides being catchy, it is nice to see these friends come together for a common goal and the transitions are great to as is the choreography. Though I don't think this could be pulled off in live action. Hmm,  idea,  Manic Expression Sings Helping Twilight Win The Crown.  Nah!   This number is just so spirited and fun that it's hard not to love and I really  love Twilight's part in the song as she owns it.  Ultimately,  the  biggest reason that this song works is because of how catchy it is and now I've heard some people complain about how abruptly it ends as the film transitions over to Sunset Shimmer but y'know what that doesn't bug me in the least.  It just doesn't.

There you have it,  my ranking of the songs from Equestira Girls.  It's funny but I remember when images first leaked for this film, I thought I was going to hate it but it ended up being my favorite film of last summer and between the two movies that came out that weekend, being this and Man of Steel, this was the better movie.   What was your favorite song in the movie?  Let me know in the comments and I'm hoping that Trixie gets a song in Rainbow Rocks.  Peace.

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