
Monday, November 4, 2013

Top 6 Things I'd Like To See In MLP In The Future

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life and with season 4 fast approaching in two weeks,  I've decided to countdown my Top 6 Things I'd Like To See MLP In The Future.  I'm not calling this my season 4 wishlist simply because what's on my list may not appear this season . Now,  I'm  not going with things, we know we are getting such as a Miss Rarity episode or a Discord song but rather, things I've wanted to see in the show for a while.  With that out of the way, let's begin.  Oh, and there was no reason to use that header other then, it's just awesome.

6.  Diamond Tiara Losing Her Cutie Mark

Oh, how I hate this character.  With a burning passion and  I've had this idea in my head for the longest time, I want DT to feel the wrath of all the bullying that she has put the CMC through.  Honestly,  my idea is to to do a "What If/It's A Wonderful Life" episode, where Diamond Tiara not only is a blank flank as she loves to call the CMC but is also a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and her and Silver Spoon had never been friends.  I think and hope that this could teach this little spoiled princess some humility and give her some respect for the Crusaders. My only fear is that it'd be a one and done type episode and this little filly would revert back to her old ways in the very next episode.

5.   Filly Cadance Flashback Episode

We've seen the Mane 6 as fillies but  I'd like to see some of the older characters such as Cadance and what her life was like as a filly.  Not necessarily, a Cutie Marks Chronicles 2.0 but rather borrow and expand upon what was learned about her life in Twilight Sparkle and The Crystal Heart Spell.

I have no idea how canon, this is to the actual series but  I'd  love for G.M Berrow's spin on a filly pegasus Cady  being raised in the woods by  Earth ponies to actually be explored in the show.   I mean, the book goes into how she became an alicorn princess but  I'd actually like to see the show do that and plus,  anymore episodes about Best Princess.   That's awesome in my book and c'mon,  Cadance as a filly is just so adorable.  Look at her.

D'aw!   Ahem,back to professional status.   I basically just want to see how the show would depict my favorite princess' life before she became this...

Oops, wrong picture!  Dustie probably did this to get back at me for the previous entry.  I meant this...

4.  Fluttershy's Parents 

Let's  take a look see here,   we've seen Twilight and Shining Armor's parents, multiple times,  we've seen Pinkie's entire family along with Rarity and Sweetie Belle's  parents and we saw Dash's dad in the flashback for Games Ponies Play.  We've yet to see Flutershy's mom and dad. Can we just round it out  and see the parents of my favorite character.  Because Fluttershy is the only member of the Mane 6, who we've yet to see her parents and this again could be treated like a flashback or we could have them come to town and have an episode and have Flutters be all nervous about them coming and trying to prepare.  Also, maybe it's just me but I think Fluttershy would be a Daddy's Girl.

3. The CMC Get Their Cutie Marks

I know a lot of Bronies and Pegasisters want this one and honestly, yeah.  I love the Crusaders but their crusading is getting tiresome, can we please just have them get their Cutie Marks already.   A lot of people would be more accepting of this change then alicorn princess Twilight Sparkle.  And honestly, if you could bring that big arc to a close, this one could be dealt with as well and in a much smaller manner.   I'd almost like this to go the route of just being one episode, where in each act, the CMC get their marks and the episode focuses on the Crusader that has yet to get her mark and show her feel happy, yet jealous for her friends a la Green With Envy.

2.  More Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo Sisterly Bonding

Yeah,  if you know me, you know that these two are my favorite sisters on the show, even if  they aren't actually related but Scootaloo's admiration of Dash is just so darn cute and Sleepless In Ponyville made me so happy in the end, when Dash hugged her and seeing that we are getting an episode that deals with Scoot's flying,  I'd love to see Dash take Scootaloo under her wing and give her some pointers and pick her up, when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon  mock cutest filly. (Grr!)  These sisterly moments,  I feel could help build upon the relationship that was presented at the end of Sleepless In Ponyville and the show could develop how this relationship has grown since then.

1. Acknowledgement That Equestira Girls Happened 

Okay, first off that image is AWESOME!!!  Dance, girls.   Now as for this one,  I know fans are split down the middle on this film. Personally, I loved it  and I would love it, if the show acknowledged the events that occurred in EQG.  It doesn't need to be an entire episode or even a flashback. Just maybe a quick line from Twi about what occurred, when she went to Canterlot High.   And  honestly,  after Meghan McCarthy went back and said something about it not being canon at first and then it is (if you want it to be),  I see no reason why Equestira Girls could not be worked into the canon of the show proper.  I mean,  it picks up after Magical Mystery Cure and we see Twilight as a princess and her trying to adjust to that and it's not easy.  So, honestly,  yeah this is the big thing I want,  an EQG acknowledgement.   Now it really needs to be is maybe just quick cold open before the intro and boom,  your done.

There you have it, my  these are the 6 things I'd most like to see in MLP down the road.  Do I see any of these happening.  Maybe  Dash and Scoots bonding but that's about it.  This is just my wishlist and this just for fun. So fellow Bronies and Pegasisters, what are some things you'd like to see in MLP's future, let me know in the comments. Peace!

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