What Barbie says here is how I view the Bolts in this episode, they are intentionally being bullies but the episode goes out of its way to show how the nickname they gave Dash was getting under her skin and they must be really dense as they couldn't pick up on the cues and kept calling her that nickname. Which ties back into something that Barbie says in this video and is perhaps the most important thing I wish to highlight with this review.
Which is my issue with this episode, it doesn't seem to understand this and while I wouldn't say this episode is sending a pro-bullying message, I find it sad that this show would incorporate such an unhealthy lesson so late into it's run after doing two episodes of showing it's okay to stand up for yourself and say that you don't like the way people are treating you. Seriously, MLP tackled issues similar to this back in seasons 2 & 3.

It's just baffling and disheartening to me what this episode ultimately ends up saying. I want to stress I don't view anyone who likes this episode as being in the wrong and I understand nicknames can be part of different event cultures but when someone doesn't like what you are calling them, you are in the wrong and to justify it by saying we all have embarrassing nicknames doesn't make things better.
The Plot
One of the biggest things that makes this episode hurt so much is that this is supposed to be a celebratory moment for Dashie as she achieved her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt. It doesn't feel that way though as the celebration is soon undercut because of a mistake Dash makes by not looking both ways at the airfield and crashes into a trashcan.
Which yes okay, this episode does show that it was Dash's blunder that caused this moment but let's go back to Barbie for a moment and she says about her sister, Skipper.
I shared a photo that I thought was really cute and cool and I wrote this caption that I thought was really funny and Skipper is usually really cool and go with the flow
Why am I going with this quote? The Bolts may think the nickname they coined for Dash is funny and harmless but as we see after her first day, it trudges up bad memories for her because she was called that Flight School. Also, look at how Barbie describes her sister, that can also be applied to Dash but as this episode proves, there are things that can upset the best of us.
We see the name calling and yes, that is what it is, continues as Dash continues on with training with the Bolts and we even Dash say that her name isn't Dash but the Bolts don't seem to care. Going back to Barbie.
I thought it was really funny and it hurt her and made her really angry and you know what my first was that thing what I was only kidding I would (mean) no offense intended but by doing that it, I felt like I took her power and her voice away
Barbie shows that she understands something the Wonderbolts do not by roasting and joking about her sister Skipper without asking if she was okay with it, Barbie came to the realization that she was making her younger sister feel less and by continually calling Dash, this name, they are making this same mistake and instead of owning up and apologizing for their mistake at the end of the episode, they attempt to justify it like I said by saying that all get embarrassing nicknames. I'm sorry but that doesn't make it okay. Look at Barbie's vlog, the issue she has with the "I'm only joking" excuse is more than similar to the issue I have with the "we've all been through it" excuse this episode presents.
In many regards, this episode feels as though it relies on the outdated belief of sticks and stones may break my back but words will never hurt me. This is demonstrably false and I feel by the Bolts not picking up on the cues, we see things that break my heart such as Dash changing who she is by acting like her friends just so that she'll be more accepted by her idols.
This moment is played for laughs in the episode but to me, there is nothing funny about this moment. It's just sad as we see someone that is usually one of the strongest ponies from the Mane Six changing the way she acts because of a nickname. This is one of the most tragic moments in the episode because it shows that Dash believes she can't be accepted by the people she admires. We learn that's not the case at the end of the episode as they've wanted her on the team for some time now but that doesn't take away from the pain of the moment. Oh, and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that I was peeved (sorry for the MLP cursing) when they put the Rainbow Crash nickname on Dash's flight jacket.
Just ugh... and this leads to what this episode had been building up to, a flight show at Ponyville and because of this stupid nickname, Dash's brashness kicks in and tries to do a dangerous stunt that harms herself and puts Scootaloo in danger involving a thunderstorm. And it ends badly as she crashes into Pinkie's cotton candy.
And I already mentioned how the episode tries to justify it by having the other Bolts say that they all got embarrassing nicknames but as I stated that doesn't make this right. And the episode tries to sweep everything it did under the rug by having Dash be excited about being a Wonderbolt.
That is just wrong and to try to shift at the last moment to say that Dash needs to be more of a team player and not showboat ignores what the Bolts did.
Rainbow Dash voiced by Ashleigh Ball
My heart broke for Dash throughout this episode as she just didn't know how to handle the namecalling and instead of letting Dash confront the ponies that were doing this to her and telling them that she didn't like this, this episode almost reaches the point of victim blaming and that is just wrong on so many levels. She does get a moment that could be close to this when she is down in the dumps and thinking that they are going kick her off the team and that is when the "We've all been there" excuses come in and that just doesn't work.
My Final Thoughts
Yes, I opened with this image but this clip from Barbie's vlog highlights my issue with this episode. Words are powerful and they can be damaging and that is what happens with Dash throughout this episode as that nickname really gets under her skin and it is visibly clear that she doesn't like it but the Bolts just ignore it. So, please consider what you say carefully and if someone doesn't like what you are saying to or about them...
Seriously, stop and listen and acknowledge that you made a blunder instead of trying to justify namecalling someone by saying that I've had someone call me names before and it's not a big deal. What may not be a big deal to one person could truly hurt and upset someone else and make them think that they have to change who they are or people won't like them for who they are. And that is my issue with this episode as for a show that usually sends positive messages, it seems to not understand that and it just thinking about this episode is saying it to its core audience is heartbreaking and close to being tear-inducing as this show is better than this and I would not be okay suggesting this episode to anyone as it sends quite a dangerous message.
Phew, this was a rough one. Join me next time as we look at...
Stranger Than Fanfiction

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