Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life. Well, this review is one I knew that I couldn't avoid. It was the biggest shake up, the fandom since well, Alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle. And we are talking about Lyra not being in season 4. Seriously, first, you remove Derpy Hooves. Now Lyra too! *whispers* Oh sorry, that's not the case. We are here to review Equestira Girls. And while the plot was a bit cliche, I enjoyed the film quite a bit. I know the fans have been split down the middle on this film and I understand that as when this film was first announced, my reaction was one I'm not too proud to look back on as a Brony. I gave MLP a chance and I at first shrugged off Equestira Girls as cheap, and then when I saw the trailer, my opinion started to change. And by the end of the credits, I was sad that this film was over. Now seeing as I did an entire article dedicated to the first trailer, I won't be covering that here. With that out of the way, let's begin. So instead, I want to talk about the poster.
The Poster
Hmm, not bad. Putting the hero in the center is such an old trick and same with the villain being in the background. Though it doesn't make sense for Shimmer's eyes to be in the mirror. But that's minor. Other then that, I don't mind this poster.
The Plot
We open the film in The Crystal Empire, not too long after the events of Magical Mystery Cure. AJ asks how Twilight is feeling about being a princess. She admitted that she was both nervous and excited or as Pinkie Pie put, nervexcited! Love that line. Flutters laments that she's there everyday. We then see the Mane 6 plus Spike arrive at the palace greeted by Celestia, Luna, & Cadance (YAY!!!!). Sorry but I had a Cadance fanboy moment, don't worry as they won't be often as she is only in the opening and closing of the film. (Boo!) Idea!
There if the film won't give me an EQG version of Best Princess. I'll give my review an Equestira Girls Cadance. Back to our regularly scheduled review.
As they are there for Twilight's first summit as a princess. That night as Twilight is about to go to sleep, she sets her crown on her nightstand when a cloaked unicorn comes through and tries to steal it and replaces it with a phony.
This causes a chase to ensue as Twi wakes up her friends and a chase ensues. That leads to this unicorn escaping through the portal that'll later come into play during the film.
The next morning, Princess Celestia confirms that the unicorn was her former student, Sunset Shimmer. Who started out much like Twilight Sparkle but became cruel and dishonest, when she did not get what she wanted. Twilight Sparkle is tasked by the Princess to go to the other world to retrieve her crown because without it, the Elements are useless. Rainbow says that her friends will go with (that would've been nice) but Princess Celestia says that Twilight must go alone as sending too many of them may upset the balance of the other world. We then see Twilight enter the portal, a moment later Spike comes through as well.
We then see Spike and Twi in this new world. Twilight first takes notice of Spike now as a dog.
Then Twilight takes a look at herself and wonder what she is. As she tries to grows accustom to her new human body.
Then her & Spike take notice of Canterlot High. At first, thinking it was a castle and thinking they could this place's princess. As she starts walking some more. She realizes that it's not a castle but high school and that humans don't gallop as she receives odd stares from people.
Twilight then tries to enter the building but realizes that she doesn't have her magic. Once inside, she hears a girl being verbally abused by another girl and steps in to defend her. The girl being bullied introduces herself as Fluttershy.
The bullying had to do with a crown that Fluttershy found and was going to turn in but the other girl, who was actually Sunset Shimmer wanted Fluttershy to give it to her. Afterwards, there is a bit of a confrontation between Sunset and Twilight.
After the confrontation between our heroine and our villain, we get one of the first callbacks to the show with human Fluttershy's introduction being a mirror of Flutter's introduction from episode 1 of the show with her not being able to say her name to Twilight Sparkle and then getting all excited when she sees puppy Spike, in the same way, pony Shy got excited seeing Spike in Ponyville.
Oh, hey I just noticed that Fluttershy's cutie mark is on her backpack. That's clever! Fluttershy informs Twilight about the crown and that she handed it over to Principal Celestia. That is after Fluttershy suggests hiding Spike as pets aren't allowed on school property. At Principal Celestia's office, Twilight learns that the crown will be rewarded to whoever is Princess of Canterlot High's Fall Formal (The show has done weirder things. So, just go with it).
Okay, I have to be honest and say that the princesses did not transition well to the EQG format. First, Nicole Oliver sounded off as Principal Celestia. The voice didn't match the character, I'll go into more detail about this down below. And their human designs to me are the weakest. They just didn't mesh very well with this new look. Here, we also get a look at Sunset Shimmer through the years and her wins a Fall Formal Princess. It almost seems to serve as a timeline and if you take a good look at the pictures, you'll notice how she in her freshman year looks sweet and innocent but by the time, we get to her junior picture, she looks psycho.
They take this to mean that maybe they should try comedy. Glad, to see my favorite little ones haven't changed. That night, Twilight comes to the realization that she has no place to sleep. Spike, being the number one assistant that he is had built a bed out of books for his best friend. Okay, maybe it was just me but I took the fact that Twilight was sleeping in a library, referenced the fact that she lived in Golden Oaks Library and comes across a picture of the human equivalents of the Mane 6 in the same pose as we see in the picture from the show's intro. Also Spike gets a little excited when he figures out this world also has a Rarity.

Aw, so cute! Makes one wonder, what happened. The next morning, Twilight awakes ready to take on the school and make a first good impression but she has no such luck as everyone is laughing at her. This is when we are introduced to this world's Rarity as she takes Twilight into an empty classroom. And Spike has his first cute moment as he makes puppy dog eyes (sorry, sorry) . Rarity tries to help Twilight by putting in her in a disguise that pony Rarity would probably balk at. Though Pinkie enters and instantly recognizes Twilight Sparkle. And then Fluttershy and AJ enter and AJ and Rarity are at each other's throats. This is after Twi is shown a smear ad that is meant to ruin her chances of becoming Fall Formal Princess. Twilight reminds the girls that they were all friends once and we find out through a series of fake texts and e-mails, Sunset Shimmer broke up the friendship between the girls. And they fit the characters, meaning Shimmer took the time to know the girls. For example, Pinkie's fake text from Fluttershy told her to bring noisemakers to Fluttershy's silent auction at the animal shelter. And we find out that AJ considers Dash untrustworthy because she didn't show up to a bake sale on the day, it was supposed to happen because she received a fake text from AJ saying it had been moved to another day. Okay, I know this is meant for kids and while I like this, isn't what Sunset did, illegal? Granted, the rules for Equestira were never clearly defined either and I mean that in a legal sense because for all intents and purposes, pony Fluttershy should've been arrested for her actions in A Bird In The Hoof. (still, can't let that one go).
AJ from a little encouragement for Twilight approaches Rainbow Dash on the school's soccer field and they work out their problems and reconcile. Okay, this is going to sound weird but the way but the reconciliation between the girls felt rushed, yet at the same time, I appreciate the fact that the film did not drag this part out. With the girls' friendship mended, Rainbow Dash agrees to help Twilight on one condition, she had to beat Dash in one-on-one game of soccer. Any bets on what happened? If you guessed that Twilight lost, you are correct. However Rainbow agrees to help because of the heart & determination she saw in Twilight. But apparently, Sunset Shimmer, along with her two minions, Snips and Snails were listening in (I don't get why these two were minions).
At what I presume to be this world's Sugarcube Corner, we see Twilight bump into Flash Sentry, who she appears to be developing a crush on and Rarity warns against it. The girls are brainstorming ideas to increase Twilight's popularity when Rarity has a great line as she hands them ponytails and pony ears headbands to wear. And it leads into the BEST SONG in the movie. That I may or may not have listened to over 50 times already and tries to recreate the dance number. It was a spectacular failure.

Sunset hears the number and decides it's time to put her next plan into action. Spirits are high amongst the students at Canterlot High with everyone wearing Rarity's ponytails and pony ears. Also keep your eyes open as this section is filled with cameos including Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who I already like more then pony counterparts because they didn't have any lines and they look friendly.
However, Sunset Shimmer is still strutting down the school like she owns the school. She reports to Vice Principal Luna (makes sense) that Twilight Sparkle had ruined the decorations for the Fall Formal.
Twilight is brought to Luna's office and told that someone who has committed these heinous deeds cannot be allowed be to run for Fall Formal Princess. However, Flash Sentry proves Twilight's innocence. Okay, I wish that Twi would've done that because this guy really served no purpose and boom, Twilight is allowed to run but because of the damage done, the Fall Formal has to be postponed until the following night and the postponing of the Fall Formal isn't good because Twilight needs the dance on this night because of how the portal only works on every 30 moons and that means Twilight will not be able to return home. Which leads to my favorite moment at this world's Boutique where Twilight is having a breakdown, not the typical on edge on Twilight break down but rather one, where she is legitimately scared that she'll never get back home and in the dressing room, where she is hiding, there is a moment that reminded me of The Lion King, where Twilight looked in the mirror and saw her pony self reminding her of her home and her friends. It was at that point that she decided that she needed to reveal the truth but no need as Pinkie correctly guessed down to a T.
By the by, here's that line.
Twilight rallies her Canterlot High friends together and fix up the gym and put everything back together for the Fall Formal and it leads to the second best song in the film. Yeah, it's a "let's get dressed for the dance" montage but it's cute.

Also, I think I love this song because one of my favorites, Rarity gets to shine in her element.
Uh no, not that Element! Ahem, back on topic. The girls are ready for their big night and they enter the school for the Fall Formal and things seem to be going smoothly and Twilight notices that Sunset Shimmer is nowhere to be found. She asked Rainbow about this and suggests that she probably didn't show because she didn't want to be embarrassed when she lost the crown. So, not the case. As Principal Celestia is about to crown Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of the Fall Formal, who should show up and threaten our heroine? If you guessed anyone but Sunset Shimmer, I'm sorry but we must send you packing. Thanks for playing however but you get a lovely copy of season 1 of My Little Pony on DVD. *No DVD's will actually be handed out*
Outside in the schoolyard, it is a showdown between the girls and Sunset Shimmer as he wields a sledgehammer that she intended to use to destroy the portal back to Equestira locking Twilight here.
Oh, this is after she has Snips and Snails kidnap Spike. Dang, she's cruel. I don't think we've ever had a villain kidnap one of the main characters before. Twilight Sparkle is given an ultimatum after Snips and Snails are told to let Spike go. Okay, so that was rendered pointless. The ultimatum is keep the crown and stay here and never see your loved ones again or hand over the crown to me and you can go home. Yeah, kind of a lose-lose for Twilight. But Twilight Sparkle stands her crown and says she has seen how much damage Sunset Shimmer had been able to do in this world without magic and then it literally turns into a game of keep the crown away from Sunset Shimmer. Our heroines are doing well but wouldn't you know it, Sunset ends up with the crown in the end and she turns into this thing when she places the crown on her head...
Children meet your nightmare fuel. Excuse me but I think the appropriate response is AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No lie, that is CREEPY!!! But in a cool way. She turns into this satanic looking monster because she is not connected to it's Element. Question, would this happen to anyone that wasn't Twilight, if they put her crown on? Could you imagine a demonic Derpy or Lyra. No, probably not and she probably turned into this as it was most likely a repersantion of all the hatred, she had for Twilight Sparkle and how she let that hatred consume her. Or I could be reading too deep into this but I highly doubt it on this one and also Sunset uses her new found powers to turn Snips and Snails into demonic like monsters and turns the entire student body into zombies with the intent to use teenage zombies to takeover Equestira. Uh, Sunset I like you a lot and you'll be on my Top 6 MLP Villains List but let's look at the facts here, teenage zombies that have no powers and you take them to Equestira, where you have three alicorn princesses, (4 if you take Twilight Sparkle with you), the rest of the Elements, and a reformed Discord. Yeah, they didn't stand a chance.
Sunset at first thinks she has won as she thought she had obliterated our heroines but that isn't the case as they protected by a pink shield (ooh, I like pink) and it gives them uh... superpowers?
D'aw, it's a heart. Okay, so it gave them manes ( I guess?) and Fluttershy and Dash got wings and everyone got pony ears. After seeing Discord turn himself into a carrot, nothing seems that weird in this franchise. A giant rainbow is shot out, as the girls were given the powers of the Elements... without needing the actual Elements. So, you took the Elements of Harmony and turned it into nothing more then a Care Bear Stare? Lame!
We then see a once again human Sunset Shimmer showing remorse for her actions and in tears, now finally understanding what her actions had done. I'm not going to complain this because the show itself has shown it isn't very good at redemptions.
And even though, Sunset realized her mistakes, she was still punished as she along with Snips and Snails were tasked by Vice Principal Luna to fix the wall that she blew up. And it appears that she is going to learn how to make friends with help from the human versions of the Mane 5 (explains why we didn't see a human Twilight Sparkle. Well there was also the line from Pinkie about a girl with the same name and having a dog that looked exactly like Spike but my reasoning is for marketing). After this, the Fall Formal picks back up and we get a great sisterly moment between Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as she takes her flying and we get a recreation of the show's picture from the intro once again taken by who else but Photo Finish. Oh and Scoots does the chicken dance and Twilight still proves she can't dance as we get her dance number from Sweet and Elite.
Okay, a bit off topic but I swear Sweetie Belle's outfit reminds me of Gabriella from High School Musical. Not that I'm complaining as I like High School Musical. Minor side note.
Aw, best sisters.
Twilight, sweetheart, if Equestira ever has a show like Dancing with The Stars, don't agree to it.
And then it ends with Twilight returning home and she is now ready to deal with her princess hood after spending a week with hands. Yes, hands. The greatest enemy of ponies. *whispers* I know that Madhog already did that joke but it's funny. There is a cute moment where Pinkie tries to enter the portal but it doesn't work.
Twilight returns to Equestira back as a pony and says that Sunset Shimmer is in good hands. With Rainbow Dash asking "What are hands?" Which I laughed at but then got me thinking, no creature on MLP has hands? And that's true, because there are just hooves, and claws. Man, my mind went to some weird place there. The girls want to hear about Twilight's adventures but she is too tired from all the dancing and there she runs into the pony version of Flash Sentry, who she has a crush on. Something that sits wrong with me because she is just putting the emotions she felt for Canterlot High Flash Sentry and putting them on pony Sentry. Also, Derpy fans watch all the way through the credits as you'll get an Equestira Girls Derpy cameo.
All in all, even with the issues I had with the film, I liked it a lot. If you are a fan, you'll enjoy it.
Plot Devices
Before we get to characters, we have two plot devices
The Crystal Mirror
The first plot device to touch on is the portal to Canterlot High. Now it's never stated if Twilight Sparkle went to our world. Wouldn't surprise me, if she did. I must admit my disappointment that the film is not canon to the show because I think the portal could be used for some interesting stories As already shown in the Sunset Shimmer prequel comic, where she seems to be obsessed with it. Spoilers for the comic but this link gets across what I was talking about.
The Element of Magic
Ah yes, the most important thing in the film, The Element of Magic, without it the other Elements back in Equestira are rendered useless. That's why the Care Bear Stare kinda bugged me and it was the whole reason that Twilight had to go through the Crystal Mirror. And not only does it represent but the magic of friendship and that's why it'd only work on Twilight Sparkle and why this happened....
Again, I feel the Element knew that Sunset Shimmer was the rightful bearer to wear the crown and her putting it on brought out the monster in her. Again, the hatred that she been filled with for so long and she had let consume her took over once she put on the Element. And it's not just the hatred that she feels for Twilight but also for Celestia not giving to in her demands. This'll be covered in more detail in my review of the comic that goes over her backstory. Keep in mind that it is actually stated that if an Element placed someone's head in this world, the results will be unstable. I was just looking at Sunset Shimmer's transformation from a story angle.
Now, this'll be broken down into Main, Supporting, and Villains. Also, I will not be touching upon the ponies as they are not in this movie all that much. Something to keep in mind, that I thought of, even though these characters have the names and personalities of the ponies, we've come to love, they are not the same characters save for Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. With that out of the way, let's begin.
Main Character
Twilight Sparkle voiced by Tara Strong
It is interesting to note that most of the material sans the comics that have come out since Magical Mystery Cure, have dealt with Twilight Sparkle accepting her role as Princess. As the book, Twilight Sparkle and The Crystal Heart Spell also did this, fairly well too. As for how Equestira Girls, handled it, it was handled with care and it is a great new arc for Twilight and to see her at the end of the film be ready to face what this new role means for her is satisfying and again, a little disappointing considering that this film is not canon to the show. With that news, I fear the show is going to retread what the film already did. Which is okay but that could get tiresome. And yes, you may say the high school setting was cliche and it was but they made it work for the story that was being told. And even as a human, Twilight Sparkle was the same character that is the adorkable unicorn that is the lead.
Supporting Characters
Spike voiced by Cathy Weseluck
Some of my fellow Bronies and Pegasisters may recall that I was adamantly against the idea of Spike being a dog in the film. I thought it was an insult to his character and his relationship with Twilight Sparkle. Well, I am happy to report that just like Twilight, in the transformation nothing was lost from Spike. He still had his snark, his crush and he was a great supporter to Twilight. Which I think was best shown when he told Twilight that her friends would understand if she revealed the truth.
Fluttershy voiced by Andrea Libman
This Flutter Fan is happy to report that Fluttershy's Equestira Girls counterpart felt like Fluttershy and that can be said for majority of the characters in this film. For instance, she spends her weeks working at the local animal shelter.
Pinkie Pie also voiced by Andrea Libman
If anyone reminded me of their pony counterpart, it had to be Pinkie Pie. I mean, she would defy physics and be able to hang upside down or when she first met Twilight, she was blowing a balloon and it blew her face back.
Applejack voiced by Ashleigh Ball
It's weird but even though I know AJ was in the film, she didn't leave too much of an impression on me. Then again that is being faithful to Applejack as I find to be the most boring character on the show. For those wondering, Granny Smith does have a cameo in the film as well as the school's lunch lady and so does Big Mac and true to Big Mac, he only speaks eeyups and nopes.
I think Pinkie has a crush on Big Mac. Okay, I have to say something on this right now. Everyone remember Hearts & Hooves Day. Great episode, one of the funniest but is it just me or does seem a little weird to see Mac as a student while Cheerilee is a staff member. Oh, here's Granny Smith.
Rarity voiced by Tabitha St. Germain
I have to say that I think that Rarity made the biggest contribution to help Twilight Sparkle with her ponytails and pony ears. Also, don't be surprised if you start seeing fans wearing these. I know I would but I'd also want a Canterlot High sweatshirt to go along with it. Also, she is quite fond of Spike as she thinks that he is an adorable little puppy and yes, she does call him, her Spikey-Wikey at one point in the film.
Rainbow Dash also voiced by Ashleigh Ball
Rainbow Dash was awesome in this film and to all the Bronies that were complaining about her wearing a skirt and going against her character. You were wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, She was the awesome Dashie that is at least 20% cooler then most tomboys on TV, these days. Her one-on-one with Twilight was a great example of how she is willing to support someone that'll give her all.
Flash Sentry voiced by Vincent Tong
I wanted to come in here and defend this character against all the neigh-sayers but sadly, he was the weakest aspect of the film. I don't understand how a franchise that has understood they don't need a love interest felt the need to put one in it's first feature film. That at first bugged me and it still does because MLP tries to subvert the usual girly stuff such as this but if you are going to do it, at least make him an interesting character. Our fandom is very critical of new characters and even moreso, when looks as though you setting up a relationship. You may recall when I did my trailer article, I thought Flash was Shining Armor and y'know I would've liked that r two reasons. I feel that would've been better served to give Twilight someone that could guide her and be like an older sibling to her and I would get this....
While we are on this, why wasn't Shining Armor in this movie? As a Cadance fan, it's odd to see her without her husband as we have never seem them apart and also, no
When Cadance and Twilight met up in the Crystal Empire. Are we sure that Chrysalis didn't replace my favorite princess again? No, okay. The only interesting thing to mention here is that Vincent Tong also voiced Garble in Dragon Quest.
Principal Celestia voiced by Nicole Oliver
As I mentioned, when talking about the plot, Celestia really turned me off with EQG version. She doesn't look very well as a human and Nicole Oliver's voice work for Principal Celestia was disappointing. Because instead of the regal voice that commands respect as Princess Celestia, her Principal Celestia voice was plain. Which is a shame considering that Celestia on the show has a beautiful voice. It's part of the reason, she is my second favorite princess.
Vice Principal Luna also voiced by Tabitha St. Germain
Luna's role in this film was really nothing more then an extended cameo. Nothing wrong with that and she does look a little better then her big sister. Question, is it wrong that I was wondering what the human equivalent of Nightmare Moon would be. Probably! Oh well.
MLP Theme Remix
Daniel, why would you do this to your own work? Why Daniel Ingram, why? Sorry but I don't like remixes and I understand doing something new and different for the film but this. Excuse me but I think Roseluck has the best reaction
Much better, this is what I want to hear. This is a really good song that explores Twilight's uncertainty and confusion over the new world that she is in with how it is different yet the same and I feel that this really clicks once she sees the EQG CMC run past her.

Twilight has a look of "These girls look familiar".
Equestira Girls/Helping Twilight Win The Crown
As I mentioned this is my favorite number from the film. Because it's fun. It is just a type of song that gets your feet tapping, some of us wanting to try and recreate every single movement that the girls do. Yeah, don't attempt Pinkie's moves. It could hurt. There's a reason, she's a cartoon character. Enough of my embarrassing attempts at this number. It's hard to place this song but it's a teamwork song, where the girls are trying to convince the school to come together against their common enemy. Hands, no actually Sunset Shimmer. Both those hands are ferocious beasts. Why carpel tunnel is their greatest weapon! Okay, enough of that this song is fun and it invokes the spirit of MLP wonderfully. If we come together and use our friendship, there is very little we cannot overcome.
Time To Come Together
They included the yay! YAY!!!!!!! This song is.. nice. It's a good song with a good message for it's target audience but unlike the previous song, it's not memorable. Which is a wee bit disappointing but oh well.
This Is Our Big Night
Oh, my gosh! Rarity's designer glasses are the same as from the show. THAT IS SO COOL!!!!! Sorry, but I like this song as it gives Rarity a great chance to shine. Though is Spike wearing the stache a reference to Boast Busters? Honestly, wouldn't surprise me! And yes, this is just a "let's get dressed for the dance montage but the sound of the song is what carries it for me because it has very upbeat and fun sound.
This Is Our Big Night (Reprise)
While this one is a nice celebratory number, it cannot compare to the song that it is a reprise of. That one is just so much fun but this the cherry on the top to close things out.
A Friend For Life
A Friend For Life, A Friend For Life, that's what you are to me. Ahem, sorry about that but I like this song and I feel that it is the perfect way to capture Twilight's journey. Not just in the film but her overall character journey as she went from someone that was an introvert and a shut in to understanding what friendship really means and how now, she has her best friends, her sisters practically, she will never let them go. Because be it Canterlot High or be it, Ponyville, these girls mean the world to her.
Snips & Snails both voiced by Lee Tockar & Richard Ian Cox
Okay, I'll admit that I'm not a big fan of these two. Though, I don't know any fan that is but even I have to call the film out on making Sunset Shimmer's minions. I know what I said about the characters up top not being the same characters from Ponyville but this one bugs me too much because these two have never been shown to be evil. Clumsy and dumb, yes but not evil. The closest that we've seem of them being evil is when they decided to work for The Great and Powerful Trixie but that was out of admiration for Trixie as they thought that she was the greatest unicorn magician in all of Equestira. They are Trixie fanboys but here, the relationship with Sunset Shimmer is never clearly defined.
Sunset Shimmer voiced by Rebecca Shoichet
If I haven't made it clear already, Sunset Shimmer is AWESOME!!!!!!!! I feel like I've said everything I can about her. To continue on, she is the repersantion of what Twilight would've become had not she met the girls and moved to Ponyville. One could compare Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer to Kim Possible and Shego. I imagine some of you are scratching your heads at this but like KP and Shego, these two are equally matched in skills. Sunset had the potential to be of the most powerful unicorns in Equestira but she chose to instead abuse her powers and let her hatred consume her to the point that Princess Celestia was forced to kick her out of her magical studies. Just like Twilight in the first episode, she didn't see the importance in taking time to make friends and may I mention one of the ponies that tried to reach out to her in the comic was Lyra. You turned down the chance to hang out with Lyra Heartstrings. I would've taken that. Back to the film, before the film came out I often compared Sunset Shimmer to Sharpay Evans from High School Musical (keep in mind, I like HSM) and that isn't too far off... save for being a unicorn from another world that one point turns into a demonic creature. Hmm, sounds like most of young Hollywood. She is a Queen Bee that rules the school with an iron fist but she was entertaining to watch.
My Final Thoughts
All in all, I liked this film a lot. Would I like to see a feature length film with ponies? Maybe but this'll do because it has the heart and the charm of the series. I'd go so far as say that this is the best Hasbro movie. Then again, it doesn't really have stiff competition. It was cute, entertaining, and faithful to the spirit of the series. If you are a fan and have not seen it yet, check it out. So, now that my rather long review of Equestira Girls is done. Join me for a Top 6, where I countdown my...
Top 6 Equestira Girls Moments
The Poster
Hmm, not bad. Putting the hero in the center is such an old trick and same with the villain being in the background. Though it doesn't make sense for Shimmer's eyes to be in the mirror. But that's minor. Other then that, I don't mind this poster.
The Plot
We open the film in The Crystal Empire, not too long after the events of Magical Mystery Cure. AJ asks how Twilight is feeling about being a princess. She admitted that she was both nervous and excited or as Pinkie Pie put, nervexcited! Love that line. Flutters laments that she's there everyday. We then see the Mane 6 plus Spike arrive at the palace greeted by Celestia, Luna, & Cadance (YAY!!!!). Sorry but I had a Cadance fanboy moment, don't worry as they won't be often as she is only in the opening and closing of the film. (Boo!) Idea!
There if the film won't give me an EQG version of Best Princess. I'll give my review an Equestira Girls Cadance. Back to our regularly scheduled review.
As they are there for Twilight's first summit as a princess. That night as Twilight is about to go to sleep, she sets her crown on her nightstand when a cloaked unicorn comes through and tries to steal it and replaces it with a phony.
This causes a chase to ensue as Twi wakes up her friends and a chase ensues. That leads to this unicorn escaping through the portal that'll later come into play during the film.
The next morning, Princess Celestia confirms that the unicorn was her former student, Sunset Shimmer. Who started out much like Twilight Sparkle but became cruel and dishonest, when she did not get what she wanted. Twilight Sparkle is tasked by the Princess to go to the other world to retrieve her crown because without it, the Elements are useless. Rainbow says that her friends will go with (that would've been nice) but Princess Celestia says that Twilight must go alone as sending too many of them may upset the balance of the other world. We then see Twilight enter the portal, a moment later Spike comes through as well.
We then see Spike and Twi in this new world. Twilight first takes notice of Spike now as a dog.
Then Twilight takes a look at herself and wonder what she is. As she tries to grows accustom to her new human body.
Then her & Spike take notice of Canterlot High. At first, thinking it was a castle and thinking they could this place's princess. As she starts walking some more. She realizes that it's not a castle but high school and that humans don't gallop as she receives odd stares from people.
Twilight then tries to enter the building but realizes that she doesn't have her magic. Once inside, she hears a girl being verbally abused by another girl and steps in to defend her. The girl being bullied introduces herself as Fluttershy.
The bullying had to do with a crown that Fluttershy found and was going to turn in but the other girl, who was actually Sunset Shimmer wanted Fluttershy to give it to her. Afterwards, there is a bit of a confrontation between Sunset and Twilight.
After the confrontation between our heroine and our villain, we get one of the first callbacks to the show with human Fluttershy's introduction being a mirror of Flutter's introduction from episode 1 of the show with her not being able to say her name to Twilight Sparkle and then getting all excited when she sees puppy Spike, in the same way, pony Shy got excited seeing Spike in Ponyville.
Oh, hey I just noticed that Fluttershy's cutie mark is on her backpack. That's clever! Fluttershy informs Twilight about the crown and that she handed it over to Principal Celestia. That is after Fluttershy suggests hiding Spike as pets aren't allowed on school property. At Principal Celestia's office, Twilight learns that the crown will be rewarded to whoever is Princess of Canterlot High's Fall Formal (The show has done weirder things. So, just go with it).
Okay, I have to be honest and say that the princesses did not transition well to the EQG format. First, Nicole Oliver sounded off as Principal Celestia. The voice didn't match the character, I'll go into more detail about this down below. And their human designs to me are the weakest. They just didn't mesh very well with this new look. Here, we also get a look at Sunset Shimmer through the years and her wins a Fall Formal Princess. It almost seems to serve as a timeline and if you take a good look at the pictures, you'll notice how she in her freshman year looks sweet and innocent but by the time, we get to her junior picture, she looks psycho.
Sure, a lot of other films have done this but it works to get the point across and I think it shows how this was corrupting Sunset Shimmer. After this, we see Twilight trying to fit in at lunch and at one point tries to eat an apple like a pony. Admittedly, not as cute as it was when I saw it in the trailer. Before this however, she notices that all of the cliques are divided (high school film cliche # 258: check). Fluttershy warns Twilight that Sunset will make life miserable for her. Our heroine remains determined and after finding out that she needs to go to the school gym to sign up, she heads there and there we meet a familiar friend.
Pinkie is more then happy to assist Twilight Sparkle in the race to become Princess but is displeased when she hears the name Fluttershy mentioned as these two have a bit of a past. This was a nice touch considering that these two are both voiced by Andrea Libman. Also, I really love the joke about Twilight having bad handwriting. We then see the EQG equivalents of AJ and Big Mac carrying Cider (funny considering the way, the comics have shown Dashie getting drunk off cider. With that implication, I wouldn't want it in a high school). We then find out that AJ has an issue with Rainbow Dash, who she says in the second most untrustworthy person in the school after Sunset Shimmer. Speaking of our villain, she enters and starts to mock and belittle all of Pinkie's hardwork and is disgusted by cider being served at her Fall Formal. She then finds out that Twilight is running against her and goes to meet her competition.
I love the fact that they are in a dimly lit hallway. That is such a cool touch. After one of my moments where THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE wanted some peanut butter crackers (Trixie cameo, yay!). Twilight decides to head to the library to familiarize with the school.
And at the library, Twilight tries to use one of the school computers and is having a hard time. And we get a Show Stoppers reference as we see Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo watching a video on YouTube and it's a music video they made and the song is the Cutie Mark Crusaders theme. The comments aren't very good as the girls had been trolled. (Been there!) but they are so oblivious that they see a comment that reads
Epic fail! lol!
They take this to mean that maybe they should try comedy. Glad, to see my favorite little ones haven't changed. That night, Twilight comes to the realization that she has no place to sleep. Spike, being the number one assistant that he is had built a bed out of books for his best friend. Okay, maybe it was just me but I took the fact that Twilight was sleeping in a library, referenced the fact that she lived in Golden Oaks Library and comes across a picture of the human equivalents of the Mane 6 in the same pose as we see in the picture from the show's intro. Also Spike gets a little excited when he figures out this world also has a Rarity.

Aw, so cute! Makes one wonder, what happened. The next morning, Twilight awakes ready to take on the school and make a first good impression but she has no such luck as everyone is laughing at her. This is when we are introduced to this world's Rarity as she takes Twilight into an empty classroom. And Spike has his first cute moment as he makes puppy dog eyes (sorry, sorry) . Rarity tries to help Twilight by putting in her in a disguise that pony Rarity would probably balk at. Though Pinkie enters and instantly recognizes Twilight Sparkle. And then Fluttershy and AJ enter and AJ and Rarity are at each other's throats. This is after Twi is shown a smear ad that is meant to ruin her chances of becoming Fall Formal Princess. Twilight reminds the girls that they were all friends once and we find out through a series of fake texts and e-mails, Sunset Shimmer broke up the friendship between the girls. And they fit the characters, meaning Shimmer took the time to know the girls. For example, Pinkie's fake text from Fluttershy told her to bring noisemakers to Fluttershy's silent auction at the animal shelter. And we find out that AJ considers Dash untrustworthy because she didn't show up to a bake sale on the day, it was supposed to happen because she received a fake text from AJ saying it had been moved to another day. Okay, I know this is meant for kids and while I like this, isn't what Sunset did, illegal? Granted, the rules for Equestira were never clearly defined either and I mean that in a legal sense because for all intents and purposes, pony Fluttershy should've been arrested for her actions in A Bird In The Hoof. (still, can't let that one go).
AJ from a little encouragement for Twilight approaches Rainbow Dash on the school's soccer field and they work out their problems and reconcile. Okay, this is going to sound weird but the way but the reconciliation between the girls felt rushed, yet at the same time, I appreciate the fact that the film did not drag this part out. With the girls' friendship mended, Rainbow Dash agrees to help Twilight on one condition, she had to beat Dash in one-on-one game of soccer. Any bets on what happened? If you guessed that Twilight lost, you are correct. However Rainbow agrees to help because of the heart & determination she saw in Twilight. But apparently, Sunset Shimmer, along with her two minions, Snips and Snails were listening in (I don't get why these two were minions).
At what I presume to be this world's Sugarcube Corner, we see Twilight bump into Flash Sentry, who she appears to be developing a crush on and Rarity warns against it. The girls are brainstorming ideas to increase Twilight's popularity when Rarity has a great line as she hands them ponytails and pony ears headbands to wear. And it leads into the BEST SONG in the movie. That I may or may not have listened to over 50 times already and tries to recreate the dance number. It was a spectacular failure.

Sunset hears the number and decides it's time to put her next plan into action. Spirits are high amongst the students at Canterlot High with everyone wearing Rarity's ponytails and pony ears. Also keep your eyes open as this section is filled with cameos including Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who I already like more then pony counterparts because they didn't have any lines and they look friendly.
However, Sunset Shimmer is still strutting down the school like she owns the school. She reports to Vice Principal Luna (makes sense) that Twilight Sparkle had ruined the decorations for the Fall Formal.
Twilight is brought to Luna's office and told that someone who has committed these heinous deeds cannot be allowed be to run for Fall Formal Princess. However, Flash Sentry proves Twilight's innocence. Okay, I wish that Twi would've done that because this guy really served no purpose and boom, Twilight is allowed to run but because of the damage done, the Fall Formal has to be postponed until the following night and the postponing of the Fall Formal isn't good because Twilight needs the dance on this night because of how the portal only works on every 30 moons and that means Twilight will not be able to return home. Which leads to my favorite moment at this world's Boutique where Twilight is having a breakdown, not the typical on edge on Twilight break down but rather one, where she is legitimately scared that she'll never get back home and in the dressing room, where she is hiding, there is a moment that reminded me of The Lion King, where Twilight looked in the mirror and saw her pony self reminding her of her home and her friends. It was at that point that she decided that she needed to reveal the truth but no need as Pinkie correctly guessed down to a T.
By the by, here's that line.
"You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there, and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements and without it, they don't work anymore, and you need them to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world, and you won't be able to get back for like, really, really long time!"
Twilight rallies her Canterlot High friends together and fix up the gym and put everything back together for the Fall Formal and it leads to the second best song in the film. Yeah, it's a "let's get dressed for the dance" montage but it's cute.

Also, I think I love this song because one of my favorites, Rarity gets to shine in her element.
Uh no, not that Element! Ahem, back on topic. The girls are ready for their big night and they enter the school for the Fall Formal and things seem to be going smoothly and Twilight notices that Sunset Shimmer is nowhere to be found. She asked Rainbow about this and suggests that she probably didn't show because she didn't want to be embarrassed when she lost the crown. So, not the case. As Principal Celestia is about to crown Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of the Fall Formal, who should show up and threaten our heroine? If you guessed anyone but Sunset Shimmer, I'm sorry but we must send you packing. Thanks for playing however but you get a lovely copy of season 1 of My Little Pony on DVD. *No DVD's will actually be handed out*
Outside in the schoolyard, it is a showdown between the girls and Sunset Shimmer as he wields a sledgehammer that she intended to use to destroy the portal back to Equestira locking Twilight here.
Oh, this is after she has Snips and Snails kidnap Spike. Dang, she's cruel. I don't think we've ever had a villain kidnap one of the main characters before. Twilight Sparkle is given an ultimatum after Snips and Snails are told to let Spike go. Okay, so that was rendered pointless. The ultimatum is keep the crown and stay here and never see your loved ones again or hand over the crown to me and you can go home. Yeah, kind of a lose-lose for Twilight. But Twilight Sparkle stands her crown and says she has seen how much damage Sunset Shimmer had been able to do in this world without magic and then it literally turns into a game of keep the crown away from Sunset Shimmer. Our heroines are doing well but wouldn't you know it, Sunset ends up with the crown in the end and she turns into this thing when she places the crown on her head...
Children meet your nightmare fuel. Excuse me but I think the appropriate response is AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No lie, that is CREEPY!!! But in a cool way. She turns into this satanic looking monster because she is not connected to it's Element. Question, would this happen to anyone that wasn't Twilight, if they put her crown on? Could you imagine a demonic Derpy or Lyra. No, probably not and she probably turned into this as it was most likely a repersantion of all the hatred, she had for Twilight Sparkle and how she let that hatred consume her. Or I could be reading too deep into this but I highly doubt it on this one and also Sunset uses her new found powers to turn Snips and Snails into demonic like monsters and turns the entire student body into zombies with the intent to use teenage zombies to takeover Equestira. Uh, Sunset I like you a lot and you'll be on my Top 6 MLP Villains List but let's look at the facts here, teenage zombies that have no powers and you take them to Equestira, where you have three alicorn princesses, (4 if you take Twilight Sparkle with you), the rest of the Elements, and a reformed Discord. Yeah, they didn't stand a chance.
Sunset at first thinks she has won as she thought she had obliterated our heroines but that isn't the case as they protected by a pink shield (ooh, I like pink) and it gives them uh... superpowers?
D'aw, it's a heart. Okay, so it gave them manes ( I guess?) and Fluttershy and Dash got wings and everyone got pony ears. After seeing Discord turn himself into a carrot, nothing seems that weird in this franchise. A giant rainbow is shot out, as the girls were given the powers of the Elements... without needing the actual Elements. So, you took the Elements of Harmony and turned it into nothing more then a Care Bear Stare? Lame!
We then see a once again human Sunset Shimmer showing remorse for her actions and in tears, now finally understanding what her actions had done. I'm not going to complain this because the show itself has shown it isn't very good at redemptions.
And even though, Sunset realized her mistakes, she was still punished as she along with Snips and Snails were tasked by Vice Principal Luna to fix the wall that she blew up. And it appears that she is going to learn how to make friends with help from the human versions of the Mane 5 (explains why we didn't see a human Twilight Sparkle. Well there was also the line from Pinkie about a girl with the same name and having a dog that looked exactly like Spike but my reasoning is for marketing). After this, the Fall Formal picks back up and we get a great sisterly moment between Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as she takes her flying and we get a recreation of the show's picture from the intro once again taken by who else but Photo Finish. Oh and Scoots does the chicken dance and Twilight still proves she can't dance as we get her dance number from Sweet and Elite.
Okay, a bit off topic but I swear Sweetie Belle's outfit reminds me of Gabriella from High School Musical. Not that I'm complaining as I like High School Musical. Minor side note.
Aw, best sisters.
Twilight, sweetheart, if Equestira ever has a show like Dancing with The Stars, don't agree to it.
And then it ends with Twilight returning home and she is now ready to deal with her princess hood after spending a week with hands. Yes, hands. The greatest enemy of ponies. *whispers* I know that Madhog already did that joke but it's funny. There is a cute moment where Pinkie tries to enter the portal but it doesn't work.
Twilight returns to Equestira back as a pony and says that Sunset Shimmer is in good hands. With Rainbow Dash asking "What are hands?" Which I laughed at but then got me thinking, no creature on MLP has hands? And that's true, because there are just hooves, and claws. Man, my mind went to some weird place there. The girls want to hear about Twilight's adventures but she is too tired from all the dancing and there she runs into the pony version of Flash Sentry, who she has a crush on. Something that sits wrong with me because she is just putting the emotions she felt for Canterlot High Flash Sentry and putting them on pony Sentry. Also, Derpy fans watch all the way through the credits as you'll get an Equestira Girls Derpy cameo.
All in all, even with the issues I had with the film, I liked it a lot. If you are a fan, you'll enjoy it.
Plot Devices
Before we get to characters, we have two plot devices
The Crystal Mirror
The first plot device to touch on is the portal to Canterlot High. Now it's never stated if Twilight Sparkle went to our world. Wouldn't surprise me, if she did. I must admit my disappointment that the film is not canon to the show because I think the portal could be used for some interesting stories As already shown in the Sunset Shimmer prequel comic, where she seems to be obsessed with it. Spoilers for the comic but this link gets across what I was talking about.
The Element of Magic
Ah yes, the most important thing in the film, The Element of Magic, without it the other Elements back in Equestira are rendered useless. That's why the Care Bear Stare kinda bugged me and it was the whole reason that Twilight had to go through the Crystal Mirror. And not only does it represent but the magic of friendship and that's why it'd only work on Twilight Sparkle and why this happened....
Again, I feel the Element knew that Sunset Shimmer was the rightful bearer to wear the crown and her putting it on brought out the monster in her. Again, the hatred that she been filled with for so long and she had let consume her took over once she put on the Element. And it's not just the hatred that she feels for Twilight but also for Celestia not giving to in her demands. This'll be covered in more detail in my review of the comic that goes over her backstory. Keep in mind that it is actually stated that if an Element placed someone's head in this world, the results will be unstable. I was just looking at Sunset Shimmer's transformation from a story angle.
Now, this'll be broken down into Main, Supporting, and Villains. Also, I will not be touching upon the ponies as they are not in this movie all that much. Something to keep in mind, that I thought of, even though these characters have the names and personalities of the ponies, we've come to love, they are not the same characters save for Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. With that out of the way, let's begin.
Main Character
Twilight Sparkle voiced by Tara Strong
It is interesting to note that most of the material sans the comics that have come out since Magical Mystery Cure, have dealt with Twilight Sparkle accepting her role as Princess. As the book, Twilight Sparkle and The Crystal Heart Spell also did this, fairly well too. As for how Equestira Girls, handled it, it was handled with care and it is a great new arc for Twilight and to see her at the end of the film be ready to face what this new role means for her is satisfying and again, a little disappointing considering that this film is not canon to the show. With that news, I fear the show is going to retread what the film already did. Which is okay but that could get tiresome. And yes, you may say the high school setting was cliche and it was but they made it work for the story that was being told. And even as a human, Twilight Sparkle was the same character that is the adorkable unicorn that is the lead.
Supporting Characters
Spike voiced by Cathy Weseluck
Some of my fellow Bronies and Pegasisters may recall that I was adamantly against the idea of Spike being a dog in the film. I thought it was an insult to his character and his relationship with Twilight Sparkle. Well, I am happy to report that just like Twilight, in the transformation nothing was lost from Spike. He still had his snark, his crush and he was a great supporter to Twilight. Which I think was best shown when he told Twilight that her friends would understand if she revealed the truth.
Fluttershy voiced by Andrea Libman
This Flutter Fan is happy to report that Fluttershy's Equestira Girls counterpart felt like Fluttershy and that can be said for majority of the characters in this film. For instance, she spends her weeks working at the local animal shelter.
Pinkie Pie also voiced by Andrea Libman
If anyone reminded me of their pony counterpart, it had to be Pinkie Pie. I mean, she would defy physics and be able to hang upside down or when she first met Twilight, she was blowing a balloon and it blew her face back.
Applejack voiced by Ashleigh Ball
It's weird but even though I know AJ was in the film, she didn't leave too much of an impression on me. Then again that is being faithful to Applejack as I find to be the most boring character on the show. For those wondering, Granny Smith does have a cameo in the film as well as the school's lunch lady and so does Big Mac and true to Big Mac, he only speaks eeyups and nopes.
I think Pinkie has a crush on Big Mac. Okay, I have to say something on this right now. Everyone remember Hearts & Hooves Day. Great episode, one of the funniest but is it just me or does seem a little weird to see Mac as a student while Cheerilee is a staff member. Oh, here's Granny Smith.
Rarity voiced by Tabitha St. Germain
I have to say that I think that Rarity made the biggest contribution to help Twilight Sparkle with her ponytails and pony ears. Also, don't be surprised if you start seeing fans wearing these. I know I would but I'd also want a Canterlot High sweatshirt to go along with it. Also, she is quite fond of Spike as she thinks that he is an adorable little puppy and yes, she does call him, her Spikey-Wikey at one point in the film.
Rainbow Dash also voiced by Ashleigh Ball
Rainbow Dash was awesome in this film and to all the Bronies that were complaining about her wearing a skirt and going against her character. You were wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, She was the awesome Dashie that is at least 20% cooler then most tomboys on TV, these days. Her one-on-one with Twilight was a great example of how she is willing to support someone that'll give her all.
Flash Sentry voiced by Vincent Tong
I wanted to come in here and defend this character against all the neigh-sayers but sadly, he was the weakest aspect of the film. I don't understand how a franchise that has understood they don't need a love interest felt the need to put one in it's first feature film. That at first bugged me and it still does because MLP tries to subvert the usual girly stuff such as this but if you are going to do it, at least make him an interesting character. Our fandom is very critical of new characters and even moreso, when looks as though you setting up a relationship. You may recall when I did my trailer article, I thought Flash was Shining Armor and y'know I would've liked that r two reasons. I feel that would've been better served to give Twilight someone that could guide her and be like an older sibling to her and I would get this....
While we are on this, why wasn't Shining Armor in this movie? As a Cadance fan, it's odd to see her without her husband as we have never seem them apart and also, no
Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!
When Cadance and Twilight met up in the Crystal Empire. Are we sure that Chrysalis didn't replace my favorite princess again? No, okay. The only interesting thing to mention here is that Vincent Tong also voiced Garble in Dragon Quest.
Principal Celestia voiced by Nicole Oliver
As I mentioned, when talking about the plot, Celestia really turned me off with EQG version. She doesn't look very well as a human and Nicole Oliver's voice work for Principal Celestia was disappointing. Because instead of the regal voice that commands respect as Princess Celestia, her Principal Celestia voice was plain. Which is a shame considering that Celestia on the show has a beautiful voice. It's part of the reason, she is my second favorite princess.
Vice Principal Luna also voiced by Tabitha St. Germain
Luna's role in this film was really nothing more then an extended cameo. Nothing wrong with that and she does look a little better then her big sister. Question, is it wrong that I was wondering what the human equivalent of Nightmare Moon would be. Probably! Oh well.
MLP Theme Remix
Daniel, why would you do this to your own work? Why Daniel Ingram, why? Sorry but I don't like remixes and I understand doing something new and different for the film but this. Excuse me but I think Roseluck has the best reaction
This Strange World
Much better, this is what I want to hear. This is a really good song that explores Twilight's uncertainty and confusion over the new world that she is in with how it is different yet the same and I feel that this really clicks once she sees the EQG CMC run past her.

Twilight has a look of "These girls look familiar".
Equestira Girls/Helping Twilight Win The Crown
As I mentioned this is my favorite number from the film. Because it's fun. It is just a type of song that gets your feet tapping, some of us wanting to try and recreate every single movement that the girls do. Yeah, don't attempt Pinkie's moves. It could hurt. There's a reason, she's a cartoon character. Enough of my embarrassing attempts at this number. It's hard to place this song but it's a teamwork song, where the girls are trying to convince the school to come together against their common enemy. Hands, no actually Sunset Shimmer. Both those hands are ferocious beasts. Why carpel tunnel is their greatest weapon! Okay, enough of that this song is fun and it invokes the spirit of MLP wonderfully. If we come together and use our friendship, there is very little we cannot overcome.
Time To Come Together
They included the yay! YAY!!!!!!! This song is.. nice. It's a good song with a good message for it's target audience but unlike the previous song, it's not memorable. Which is a wee bit disappointing but oh well.
This Is Our Big Night
Oh, my gosh! Rarity's designer glasses are the same as from the show. THAT IS SO COOL!!!!! Sorry, but I like this song as it gives Rarity a great chance to shine. Though is Spike wearing the stache a reference to Boast Busters? Honestly, wouldn't surprise me! And yes, this is just a "let's get dressed for the dance montage but the sound of the song is what carries it for me because it has very upbeat and fun sound.
This Is Our Big Night (Reprise)
While this one is a nice celebratory number, it cannot compare to the song that it is a reprise of. That one is just so much fun but this the cherry on the top to close things out.
A Friend For Life
A Friend For Life, A Friend For Life, that's what you are to me. Ahem, sorry about that but I like this song and I feel that it is the perfect way to capture Twilight's journey. Not just in the film but her overall character journey as she went from someone that was an introvert and a shut in to understanding what friendship really means and how now, she has her best friends, her sisters practically, she will never let them go. Because be it Canterlot High or be it, Ponyville, these girls mean the world to her.
Snips & Snails both voiced by Lee Tockar & Richard Ian Cox
Okay, I'll admit that I'm not a big fan of these two. Though, I don't know any fan that is but even I have to call the film out on making Sunset Shimmer's minions. I know what I said about the characters up top not being the same characters from Ponyville but this one bugs me too much because these two have never been shown to be evil. Clumsy and dumb, yes but not evil. The closest that we've seem of them being evil is when they decided to work for The Great and Powerful Trixie but that was out of admiration for Trixie as they thought that she was the greatest unicorn magician in all of Equestira. They are Trixie fanboys but here, the relationship with Sunset Shimmer is never clearly defined.
Sunset Shimmer voiced by Rebecca Shoichet
If I haven't made it clear already, Sunset Shimmer is AWESOME!!!!!!!! I feel like I've said everything I can about her. To continue on, she is the repersantion of what Twilight would've become had not she met the girls and moved to Ponyville. One could compare Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer to Kim Possible and Shego. I imagine some of you are scratching your heads at this but like KP and Shego, these two are equally matched in skills. Sunset had the potential to be of the most powerful unicorns in Equestira but she chose to instead abuse her powers and let her hatred consume her to the point that Princess Celestia was forced to kick her out of her magical studies. Just like Twilight in the first episode, she didn't see the importance in taking time to make friends and may I mention one of the ponies that tried to reach out to her in the comic was Lyra. You turned down the chance to hang out with Lyra Heartstrings. I would've taken that. Back to the film, before the film came out I often compared Sunset Shimmer to Sharpay Evans from High School Musical (keep in mind, I like HSM) and that isn't too far off... save for being a unicorn from another world that one point turns into a demonic creature. Hmm, sounds like most of young Hollywood. She is a Queen Bee that rules the school with an iron fist but she was entertaining to watch.
My Final Thoughts
All in all, I liked this film a lot. Would I like to see a feature length film with ponies? Maybe but this'll do because it has the heart and the charm of the series. I'd go so far as say that this is the best Hasbro movie. Then again, it doesn't really have stiff competition. It was cute, entertaining, and faithful to the spirit of the series. If you are a fan and have not seen it yet, check it out. So, now that my rather long review of Equestira Girls is done. Join me for a Top 6, where I countdown my...
Top 6 Equestira Girls Moments
Thanks for including my teen princess Cadance design in your review. I made it before the movie had much info so I still thought maybe she'd show up. Kinda disappointing huh...
ReplyDeleteMaybe she'll be in the sequel!
By the way, this is Meghan Jack, mod of teenprincesscadance.tumblr.com. I found your site by reverse image search ;)
It was really disappointing. I love Cadance. She's my favorite princess on the show. It'd be awesome if she was in Rainbow Rocks.