Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life. Back at the start of the year, I announced plans for a Rarity Retrospective. And well, I got sidetracked. But I'm going to take this time to get it back on track but there have been some minor changes. I originally was going to review the Nightmare Rarity Arc during this event but I'm saving that for this year's Nightmare Night instead. Besides, there's already a lot of Rarity stuff to review. And I know that season 5 isn't over yet but I'm only reviewing Rarity episodes from season 1 - 4 (except for Takes Manehattan as that has already been reviewed), And today, we are starting with what is technically the first Rarity episode of the season and why did it have to this one? Oh, I don't hate this episode but I just wish we weren't starting with a Rarity & Applejack episode as A. AJ is my least favorite character & in turn, I'm not the biggest fan of AJ & Rarity episodes. Let's begin.
Episode Title
Look Before You Sleep
Simple title and it's a play on the old saying, Look Before You Leap.
The Plot
We open on the ponies getting ready for a big storm being set up by the Weather Pegasi. And ugh, this is where we get our first taste of what to expect as we see Miss Rarity prepping a tree branch and making it all fancy but Appleack just tears it down. Understandable and this leads into our first fight of the episode and what is basically the catalyst for this episode as it basically shows how Rarity and Applejack clash because of the differences in their personalities. Rarity is an attention to detail type that wants to get everything right and very organized. And likes keep her hooves clean. Whereas AJ (is annoying) is down-to-earth pony that doesn't mind getting her hooves dirty and will do any hard job that comes her way.
And we see that because of these two have personalities that are such on different ends of the spectrum, they have to learn to work together. They decide to go their separate ways to get out of the thunder but it's so bad that they decide to stick together and Twilight Sparkle decides to invite them to stay with her in Golden Oak Library (RIP). And at first, they are against it but because of the weather, they decide to stay and Twilight is so excited as she is going to have her first sleepover. Uh, this is season one Twilight, right? I love Twily but season one Twilight doesn't seem like she would've been interested in sleepovers as she was still learning about friendship. And the idea of her always having wanted a sleepover doesn't line up with what Twilight was like in season 1.
Now, granted the sleepover does lead to some funny moments such as Rarity and Applejack playing Truth and Dare or the Pillow Fight.
And Rarity and Applejack fighting over the sheets is funny but it's nothing all that special. And we see that weather branch from the beginning of the episode fall into Twilight's library and Rarity and Applejack have to work together and put aside their differences to get it out of the library. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle, super smarty smarts is completely useless here. This episode had to make one of the smartest characters on the show act stupid just so that they could get the two main characters of this episode to resolve the conflict.

In the end, Rarity and Applejack put their differences aside and save Golden Oak Library from being ruined by the tree branch and make Twilight's first slumber party, a success.
Yeah, this episode is okay. It's nothing great but if you like Rarity and Applejack, you'll enjoy it. But like me, if you aren't, it's not one worth checking out but seeing as I'm reviewing the Rarity episodes for this event, I didn't have much of a choice.
Rarity & Applejack voiced by Tabitha St. Germain & Ashleigh Ball
Now I'm not a fan of this pairing because of how overused it has become since this episode because we will see it at least twice more during this retrospective. Once in another episode and in one of the comic book reviews. The Rarity & Applejack pairing just feels tired and cliche because ooh, they're from two different worlds. We get it but try a different pairing, how about Rarity and Pinkie Pie or Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Having said all of that, does it make the first appearance of this pairing tolerable? Hmm well, yes & no. Yes in the sense that when this episode first aired, this was new but even going but the pairing, it wasn't anything new because this is such a common trope in children's entertainment to pair up the prissy girly girl character with the tomboy. And as someone that has seen this pairing on other stories and done somewhat better, it still feels really stale. I usually dread this pairing because there is generally nothing new that can be brought to it. And I can only think of once where I liked this pairing and wasn't even in the show.
Twilight Sparkle voiced by Tara Strong
It's weird because this is a season one episode but this didn't feel like season one Twilight. She out extremely out of character. Season 1 Twilight didn't seem like she would be interested in a sleepover. Where we are now in season 5 with Twilight in episodes such as Amending Fences, I would believe that but not back in season 1. But that pales in comparison to the even bigger problem with Twilight in this episode. She is so incredibly dumb. Why would she focus on a sleepover and what to do when at a sleepover, when a tree branch fell into her house? Twily, sweetheart, put the book down and help AJ & Rarity get rid of the branch that fell into Your house. I understand (even though I really don't) that you were focused on having a sleepover but there is a bigger issue at hoof. Put the book down.
My Final Thoughts
I'm not crazy about this episode. Rarity's first episode was eh, okay but there are such big issues such as it making Twilight act a fool in order for Rarity and Applejack to resolve their conflict. Do I hate it? No but I do think it's one of the weaker episodes that we will be looking at during this event. Join me tomorrow as we look at a much better Rarity episode as we look at was is often considered one of her best and one of my favorites...
Suited For Success
Episode Title
Look Before You Sleep
Simple title and it's a play on the old saying, Look Before You Leap.
The Plot
We open on the ponies getting ready for a big storm being set up by the Weather Pegasi. And ugh, this is where we get our first taste of what to expect as we see Miss Rarity prepping a tree branch and making it all fancy but Appleack just tears it down. Understandable and this leads into our first fight of the episode and what is basically the catalyst for this episode as it basically shows how Rarity and Applejack clash because of the differences in their personalities. Rarity is an attention to detail type that wants to get everything right and very organized. And likes keep her hooves clean. Whereas AJ (is annoying) is down-to-earth pony that doesn't mind getting her hooves dirty and will do any hard job that comes her way.
And we see that because of these two have personalities that are such on different ends of the spectrum, they have to learn to work together. They decide to go their separate ways to get out of the thunder but it's so bad that they decide to stick together and Twilight Sparkle decides to invite them to stay with her in Golden Oak Library (RIP). And at first, they are against it but because of the weather, they decide to stay and Twilight is so excited as she is going to have her first sleepover. Uh, this is season one Twilight, right? I love Twily but season one Twilight doesn't seem like she would've been interested in sleepovers as she was still learning about friendship. And the idea of her always having wanted a sleepover doesn't line up with what Twilight was like in season 1.
Now, granted the sleepover does lead to some funny moments such as Rarity and Applejack playing Truth and Dare or the Pillow Fight.
And Rarity and Applejack fighting over the sheets is funny but it's nothing all that special. And we see that weather branch from the beginning of the episode fall into Twilight's library and Rarity and Applejack have to work together and put aside their differences to get it out of the library. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle, super smarty smarts is completely useless here. This episode had to make one of the smartest characters on the show act stupid just so that they could get the two main characters of this episode to resolve the conflict.

In the end, Rarity and Applejack put their differences aside and save Golden Oak Library from being ruined by the tree branch and make Twilight's first slumber party, a success.
Yeah, this episode is okay. It's nothing great but if you like Rarity and Applejack, you'll enjoy it. But like me, if you aren't, it's not one worth checking out but seeing as I'm reviewing the Rarity episodes for this event, I didn't have much of a choice.
Rarity & Applejack voiced by Tabitha St. Germain & Ashleigh Ball
Now I'm not a fan of this pairing because of how overused it has become since this episode because we will see it at least twice more during this retrospective. Once in another episode and in one of the comic book reviews. The Rarity & Applejack pairing just feels tired and cliche because ooh, they're from two different worlds. We get it but try a different pairing, how about Rarity and Pinkie Pie or Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Having said all of that, does it make the first appearance of this pairing tolerable? Hmm well, yes & no. Yes in the sense that when this episode first aired, this was new but even going but the pairing, it wasn't anything new because this is such a common trope in children's entertainment to pair up the prissy girly girl character with the tomboy. And as someone that has seen this pairing on other stories and done somewhat better, it still feels really stale. I usually dread this pairing because there is generally nothing new that can be brought to it. And I can only think of once where I liked this pairing and wasn't even in the show.
Twilight Sparkle voiced by Tara Strong
It's weird because this is a season one episode but this didn't feel like season one Twilight. She out extremely out of character. Season 1 Twilight didn't seem like she would be interested in a sleepover. Where we are now in season 5 with Twilight in episodes such as Amending Fences, I would believe that but not back in season 1. But that pales in comparison to the even bigger problem with Twilight in this episode. She is so incredibly dumb. Why would she focus on a sleepover and what to do when at a sleepover, when a tree branch fell into her house? Twily, sweetheart, put the book down and help AJ & Rarity get rid of the branch that fell into Your house. I understand (even though I really don't) that you were focused on having a sleepover but there is a bigger issue at hoof. Put the book down.
My Final Thoughts
I'm not crazy about this episode. Rarity's first episode was eh, okay but there are such big issues such as it making Twilight act a fool in order for Rarity and Applejack to resolve their conflict. Do I hate it? No but I do think it's one of the weaker episodes that we will be looking at during this event. Join me tomorrow as we look at a much better Rarity episode as we look at was is often considered one of her best and one of my favorites...
Suited For Success
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