
Monday, March 3, 2014

Flight To The Finish (With The Second Opinion & a Certain Unwanted Filly)

The Second Opinion: Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life! You may be wondering why you're listening to me open this and, well, so am I. But my colleague ran off saying something about dealing with "those blank flanks" again, so it looks like I'm all that's left here.

Today we turn the spotlight on The Cutie Mark Crusaders for Flight to the Finish, an episode that asks whether they can pool their talents to steal the show, while overcoming bullying and their own insecurities. Granted, the last time they tried to put on a show, well, this happened, and the last time they dealt with bullying... it might be best to not get me started on that again. But hey, I believe in second fresh chances.

Wait, here’s Moviefan now! Sort of…

Diamond Tiara:  Ugh,  who's  Moviefan?   I bet he's a blank flank with a dumb name like that.  And  oh no, we are talking about the Cutie Mark Crybabies.   Loserloo is the worst,   what kind of pegasus can't even fly?  What a loser!  Loserloo, Loserlooo, Loserloo!!!  

The Second Opinion: (Huh, she's even more direct and vicious than usual. Maybe this is Diamond Tiara formed from Moviefan's impression of her... which might mean that he's still in there somewhere.)

Uh, yeah, and don’t get carried away insulting everyone like that, or I’ll have to (how did she put it?) tell ya mothuh about ya bad attitood! Anyway, since you know our main characters so well, is there anything you’d like to tell us to start us off?

 Diamond Tiara:  You would threaten me,  an innocent little filly that has done nothing wrong.  I'll tell my daddy on you and run you out of Ponyville forever!  And  also Loserloo and Sweetie Dumbelle  and that hick pony are just losers that are going nowhere.   I mean a unicorn that can't even do magic yet and a pegasus filly who can't fly and yet Mr.  & Mrs. Cake's foal can already fly. How pathetic,  a foal can fly before Loserloo.  

The Second Opinion: Run me out of Ponyville? Who do you think I….?

Aw heck, forget it. I suppose that counts as a commentary, so why don’t I just get us started?

The Plot

It’s time, once again, to prepare for those Equestria Games that we started building up last season.

School is in session, and the little fillies and colts in Cherilee’s class are about to learn about the flag carrying ceremony from the one and only Ms. Harshwhinny.

Couldn’t we just pretend the nice pony was her again?

She begins explaining that the carrying of each town’s flag is an honor in itself, when Rainbow Dash flies in through the window and gets to the fun part: The team of grade school ponies that comes up with the best flag-carrying routine wins this honor and gets to be in the Equestria Games at the Crystal Empire. She also explains that she’ll be coaching them on it, as the one who got to carry the flag for Ponyville herself back in the day, when Ms. Harshwhinny threatens to fire her if she doesn’t stop imitating a professional wrestler and show some actual professionalism. So Rainbow reins it in and tells everyone to meet her after school the next day, while Ms. Harshwhinny stays an extra moment to advise everyone to focus on what their town means to them when constructing a routine.

The crusaders, of course, decide to go for it together. Noting that all three of them are a different type of pony, they decide to build their theme around the fact that Ponyville is a place in which earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns (not to mention a few donkeys) can all live together. They then note all the work it’s going to take and sing a montage song about how they, though fillies, have “hearts strong as horses!”

Well, that’s what I like to see! Heck, I’m probably their biggest skeptic on that front, after their last episode together, but let’s just see if they can rise to the challenge this time. Actually, I take it back, I’m maybe a distant third on the list of their skeptics. That’s where you enter, uh, “Diamond Tiara.”

Diamond Tiara:  Why does their shadow look like Mr.  Timeturner?   Are they trying to say that they are actually colts?  Ooh, looks like Gabby Gums something to write in The Foal Free Press.   Right watching, the Crybabies  perform,  my lackey, I mean best friend Silver Spoon and I  realize  how good Loserloo, Dumbelle and  that hick pony put on an act that was pretty all right but we find a way to get under their wings.  

And then I do what I do best and  point out the flaws of Loserloo.   Because she is just a loser pony that can't fly.  Loserloo, Loserloo, Loserloo!!!!

 The Second Opinion: Well, there you have it. And yes, she also points out in the show that everything she says is just to psyche out the crusaders because she’s afraid she might lose.

 So yes, Scootaloo starts to feel self-conscious about her undersized wings and insists that they need to rework the routine to include her flying, though the other two think it’s a bad idea. They work late into the night, with Scootaloo attempting takeoff after takeoff (yet somehow she’s the only one who’s not tired) and further compensating by redesigning the routine around herself. Of course, in the final run through before the big competition, exhausted Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle blow what little parts they have left, while Scootaloo achieves prolonged hovering for the high point. 

 Rainbow Dash, who didn’t know how to tell them their first routine was great without breaking Ms. Harshwinny’s “no cheering” rule, still manages to tell them that, compared to this one, it was “What’s the word? Better.” But all that registers to Scootaloo is that she didn’t fly well enough and needs to get it. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle refuse to work on the new version anymore, fed up with Scootaloo taking center stage and go home to rest for the big day. Scootaloo stays up all night trying to fly until her spirit breaks.

Being as Scootaloo is Moviefan’s favorite crusader, he’d probably be feeling bad right now, but I’m sure this doesn’t register to…

(Actually maybe that’s worth a try.) By the way, Ms. Tiara, do you think it would have helped if Fluttershy was in this episode?

Diamond Tiara: Why would that loser pony need to be here, what could she teach Scoot...


Moivefan12:   If Fluttershy were in this episode,   she could serve as another sisterly/motherly/mentor-ly role for Scoots in teaching her that not all pegasi have to fly and she doesn't need to be defined by her wings.   And not she can have a different special talent but  Rainbow Dash does a good enough job for that.   Hey,  I'm back!    You did it,  Fluttershy was the trigger word to bring me back because I can never make fun of Fluttershy.   Thank you.  Thank you,   I'm Human Again The next morning after the performance, the foals are boarding the train to the Crystal Empire but  Scootaloo is  not going as she is still bummed that she can't master flight.  

Now  having said what I said about Fluttershy,  that may actually be true for this episode as Rainbow Dash filled n  that role pretty well, when  Dash and the other two CMC reach Scootaloo in her room and Dash gives her that little pep talk that  Scoots shouldn't let her wings define who she is.  Wait a minute, Scootaloo has  a room. That means she's isn't a an orphan!

Now,  perhaps Fluttershy coul've related to Scootaloo here but I look at it is that this was a great  sisterly moment building off what we saw in season 3.

Oh wait, that isn't right.   I wonder what a story like that would be like, oh right, I've read that story.   It's more like this.

Season 4 with this so far is giving me things I wanted in the future of MLP such as more sisterly moments  and I feel that these lines sum up what is so important about the message of this episode.

Scootaloo: But flying's what Pegasus ponies are supposed to do! You flew when you carried the flag in the games!
Rainbow Dash: But that was me! You're you! And it just doesn't matter if you can fly or not. Your routine was amazing 'cause it represented exactly what makes Ponyville special. You do still know what that is, right?
Sweetie Belle: Friendship.
Apple Bloom: Three kinds of ponies livin' together as friends. Just like us. Earth ponies...
Sweetie Belle: ...unicorns...
Scootaloo: ...and Pegasi. But Rainbow Dash... what if... what if my wings never grow? What if I never fly?
Rainbow Dash:  Listen, Scootaloo. Maybe you'll fly someday, or maybe you won't. You're all kinds of awesome anyway. Who's the toughest little pony in town?

The most important thing to take away from this moment is what Rainbow Dash says.  

Rainbow Dash: Listen, Scootaloo. Maybe you'll fly someday, or maybe you won't. You're all kinds of awesome anyway. Who's the toughest little pony in town?

She reinforces that Scootaloo should NOT let flight define who she is.  And by saying that she is telling her little sister that you don't have to be me to be  20% cooler because you are awesome the way you are..   Another sisterly hug.

Still though,  this idea is pretty awesome.

I really do wonder what it would've been like had the roles been reversed and Dashie couldn't fly.  But we aren't to talk about that but rather just look at how this show is tackling such a serious and mature topic with the dignity and respect that most children's media don't give to these types of stories. 

The Second Opinion: That’s how you make up for lost time. Welcome back! (I’m just glad I didn’t have to resort to declaring Applejack best pony.)

Anyway, I do partly agree that Fluttershy could have been helpful. Her encouraging kindness could probably mend the rift between the crusaders and put in perspective that good ponies would appreciate what Scootaloo is, not try to ridicule her for what she’s not. But the reason Scootaloo goes so well with Rainbow Dash, I think, is that they both understand the need to take pride and be able to hold your head up. They both have a longing to excel, and they’re tough on themselves when they feel like they’ve failed. And what I love about Rainbow Dash is when she truly understands someone’s plight, it quickly becomes just as important to her as anything she’s ever wanted to win, at which point there’s nobody better to have on your team. The part that Moviefan just quoted, to me, is a key demonstration of this, as well as the bond that neither Scootaloo nor Rainbow could have with somebody different.

Anyway, the crusaders reprise Hearts Strong as Horses, firing up a montage, and Rainbow flies ahead to let the next moment be all Scootaloo’s; using those little wings of hers, she gets on her scooter and rockets all three of them through Ponyville, over the hills, and all the way to the crystal empire, in time for them to rock the competition and win the honor of carrying the flag.

Rainbow Dash still hasn’t mastered the art of restrained praise, calling their performance “acceptable,” but Mrs. Harshwhinny still hasn’t mastered her role as a generic wet blanket, so it evens out pretty well. Scootaloo then takes a reflective look at herself and delivers the grace note: This means the crusaders will totally earn their cutie marks in flag carrying!

 “Why do I even bother?”

 Moviefan12:   This wasn't just a good episode, this was a GREAT Episode.   Scootaloo may only have two episodes under her belt but they are two of the best episodes in the entire series.

The Second Opinion: I can’t go quite that far, but we’re definitely getting there. This is my favorite episode since the season premiere and the best one-part episode since Keep Calm and Flutter On. I felt it could have put me behind Scootaloo’s somewhat rushed dilemma a lot more than it did, but otherwise, I liked the premise, I really liked the challenge, and I loved the payoff. This was a good one.


Scootaloo voiced by Madenline  Peters 

Moviefan12:  As I said this was a great episode for Scootaloo as it took her and developed her into a character that a lot of young kids can really look up to and relate to because there are kids,  actually people have felt worthless in life because they can't do something that is expected of them.

 The Second Opinion: Despite a late start, Scootaloo is really forming her own identity among the crusaders as a plucky challenge-taker out to prove her worth. Actually, noticing Moviefan’s choice of favorites on the crusaders and their sisters, there’s an amusing paradox in that he likes Rarity and Scootaloo, and I like Rainbow Dash and Sweetie Belle. But I think we both agree that Rainbow and Scootaloo are the best of the three sister pairs, and moments like their brief heart to heart in this episode are the reason. Not only is it great that Scootaloo has someone she’s able to admit her insecurities to, the way she bounces back and shows what she can do is on par with Rainbow’s heroic recovery in the last episode. This is the first time I felt like one of the crusaders legitimately overcame bullying, and it’s a golden moment.

Supporting Characters 

Rainbow Dash voiced by Ashleigh Bal

Moviefan12:  This episode further cemented the sisterly bond that is so important between these two.  Rainbow Dash, with her one moment reinforced that Scootaloo is special and  shouldn't try to change who she is because some big meanies (Fluttershy voice)  try to point out a flaw and make that the main focus of the character.

  The Second Opinion: Rainbow’s intervention here is a great follow-up to Sleepless in Ponyville. As I said before, it demonstrates how well they go together, since Rainbow’s ready-for-anything mindset is just what Scootaloo is looking for, and her bold attitude can be just as much a force for good as it is for, well, obnoxiousness. Her interplay with Ms. Harshwhinny is great too, with a funny and satisfying payoff.

Sweetie Belle  &  Apple Bloom  voiced by  Clarie Corlett  & Michele Crebler  

Moviefan12:   I also feel that this was a pretty good episode for the other two CMC,  as they too  didn't  look at Scoots because of her disadvantage and   you could clearly see that they were getting fed up with Scoots trying to outdo herself because  they never saw her lack of flight as a problem.

 The Second Opinion: It was probably rushing things a bit to have both of them just not get it when Scootaloo started getting wrapped up in her flight problem. (You’d think they would have encouraged Scootaloo to take the high road and forgo the overhaul of the routine once or twice, then become fed up.) But otherwise, these two were fine. The reasons they were getting fed up made sense, and the fact that they never questioned Scootaloo as their teammate until she quit on her own, and ultimately still went back to get her, shows what good friends they are.


Hearts Strong As Horses 


Moviefan12:   I can honestly  say that this is the best Crusader song.   I mean,  let's  take a look here,  Cutie Mark Crusader Anthem sucks!!!   The Perfect Stallion is cute and Babs Seed is fun but this one is different.  It's  inspiring and hopeful.  It feels me with hope and joy that people will be able to do what these little fillies can and not judge people based on their differences.   Now  I also really like the reprise as that is a great  coming together moment for the CMC and  a great reminder that as corny as the message,  be yourself.

 The Second Opinion: I have to agree. The anthem was supposed to be bad (actually, maybe they should bring it back and perfect it), The Perfect Stallion was fun, but it was supposed to be a montage first and a song second, and Babs Seed… I hate myself for finding that catchy, depressing as it is. (Every time I listened to it, I had to put on some kind of counterpoint song afterwards to forget it.) This is triumphant, hopeful, and exactly what you want to see from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, especially in the face of adversity. Speaking of which…


Diamond Tiara  & Silver Spoon  voiced by  Chantal  Strand  &  Shannon-Chan Kent


Moviefan12: These two were just cruel and vicious in what they did to Scootaloo and trust me, I should know,  I was Diamond Tiara.  They hit a new low going beyond  just calling Scoots, a blank flank.

Diamond Tiara: Loserloo    (No, you will not take over.  Think  Fluttershy). 

Okay,  we've all learned a valuable lesson, to not say the BF phrase around me or to not have me say it.   As I was saying,  these two were just cruel to Scootaloo.

The Second Opinion: I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear that.

Anyway, I do question having these two just say that everything they do is a bluff to psych out their victims, but I suppose that gets the point across to the kids in the audience. But apart from that, I couldn’t be happier with the role that these two played. This, to me, is the first time the crusaders confronted and legitimately overcame bullying. Before, we had Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle telling Diamond Tiara off in their first appearance, the success of which came across as incredibly fake, and the debut episode of Babs Seed, which seemed determined to make no self-respect and no-spine A-Okay. (As important as it is to be able to tell your parents when the need arises, I would’ve expected Diamond Tiara’s immediate response to have been more like, well, the one she gave to me when I tried it.) Otherwise, Diamond Tiara has mainly just been a catalyst in getting them to make the wrong decisions. But this time, the crusaders hold their ground against her, overcome her attempts to make them feel unworthy by learning to believe in themselves, and finally, meet her challenge and win. It effectively restores my faith in their courage, and it wouldn’t have been as great a triumph or as good a moral if it wasn’t against an antagonist just as unlikable as the ones people face in the real world.

I suppose I should say something about Silver Spoon too, but how could I sum it all up?

Our  Final Thoughts  

Moviefan12:  While not my favorite episode of season 4,  it's in the top 4 of this season.  This is easily the best CMC-centric episode.  It handles the three fillies with the respect that they deserve this story and it shows how bullying can have a serious effect on a child trying to change something that is beyond their control.

 All things considered, I probably should have liked this even better than Sleepless in Ponyville. It actually takes aspects of that episode and others to the next level. But Sleepless had the raw power of its believably uncomfortable scenario, in which emotions were running high. This seems a little more cookie cutter in its setup, and the execution doesn’t always rise above it. The middle portion sometimes felt more like what was “supposed” to happen than exactly how it would play with these characters, so it takes until the final act for it to reach a truly hard-hitting level. But this merely makes me stop at “good.” The moral, the characters, and the story of their challenge is everything you could want delivered almost as well as you could ask for. It’s The Cutie Mark Crusaders go, it’s one of their better episodes.

Join us next time as we take a look at....

Power Ponies


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