
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Questions For Magic Dust # 7: Let It Go, Fluttershy, Sunshine Rhyme, & The Crystal Empire

Dustie: Let It Go, Let It Go. 

Moviefan: Dustie,  it's time for another question session.  You guys, got to see Frozen in Equestira.  

Dustie: No silly, you showed it to me, remember and I've been listening to this Luna version of the song ever since.

Moviefan: Really, can I hear that?

Dustie: Sure, here ya go.


Moviefan: Wow, that's pretty good.  I wonder if there are any other good pony-fied versions of songs, I like.  Anyways, sorry we couldn't get together for Hearts & Hooves Day, but I understand that you had a date.  Was it with Fluttershy?

Dustie: Ah no,  I gave up on Fluttershy, a while back.

Moviefan: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Dustie: Kidding, I wanted to ask her out but it looked she was preforming and wow, her voice was just so pretty.  I don't know why, she doesn't like to perform but that's her choice.

So,  I kinda chickened out and decided not to ask her out.  She seemed to be having fun though.   Maybe, I'll try again next year.

Moviefan:  I hear ya,  and good luck with that.  Hey, I know you don't like questions about your cousin but...

Dustie:  Stop, here comes the obligatory Twilight Sparkle question and no, you cannot go to Twilight Time, either. That is only for the Crusaders.  
Moviefan: No, my question is there a reason why Twilight and Cadance stopped doing the Sunshine Rhyme.

Dustie:  Because they realized it was dumb and immature.

Moviefan:  It's not dumb.  

Dustie:  It really is,  all right, speaking Mi Amore Cadenza.  Didn't you just try and go back to The Crystal Empire. And were there any spies there?  
Moviefan:  Hey,  I'm the one asking questions but yeah,  and thankfully I found a potion that made me a pony, so things weren't so weird.  Well except for the fact that Shining Armor thought I was hitting on his wife.  And that was not the case at all and decided to throw me out of the castle.. literally.  He picked me up, and threw me from the second story balcony.   And I wasn't even a pegasus,   I was an Earth pony,  so you can imagine, the damage that left. Thankfully, I did meet a Doctor

Uh,  Moviefan,   I hate to break this to ya but that guy isn't a medical doctor.  He's just some nutjob that claims robots and aliens will attack Equestira.  He actually runs  a clock store and his wife, is the mailmare.
They are a sweet couple,  have two daughters, Sparkler and Dinky but I'm sidetracking,  why did my cousin throw you out this time?

Moviefan:  I don't know, Cadance and I were just playing a game.

Dustie:  What game?
Moviefan:  Twister


Dustie:  You don't see a problem with that?!?!

Moviefan: No, not really

Dustie:  Oi, I think we're done here.   

Moviefan:  I'm kidding, it was Scrabble and granted I was winning.

Dustie:  Oh, that is weird but yeah, I think we're done.  I'm going to listen to Let It Go, again.
Moviefan: Later, Dustie.  


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