Dustie, I'm here I brought your gear for your Halloween costume.
Thanks Moviefan.

Now could you tell me, what these are for? I get that it's supposed to be for your Halloween costume but what are you supposed to be.
A Brony
Seriously, Dustie. Seriously, no one in Equestira is going to get that joke but I gotta give you credit for that.
Hey Moviefan, what are you supposed to be?
Oh, a certain family member of yours. Now I don't have the costume just yet but here's a sample.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That is so wrong on so many levels. Why is that thing dressed up like my cousin.
Great isn't it, I thought about going as Shining Armor but then I thought I'd torture you with this lovely image. Now I just need the wings to complete my outfit.
Can we please just get to the questions.
Oh, but I was having so much fun but if you want. I guess my first question is what happens to the candy that the foals take to the Nightmare Night statue as an offering.
Oh that, quite simple really Princess Celestia and Princess Luna suggested that the candy be donated to young foals that can't go that night and take to the young ones that are bed ridden in the hospital, so they feel as though they are still partaking in the events of Nightmare Night. I've helped out in the past with these events and it always bring a smile to my face to see these foals get to enjoy themselves.
Is it true that anypony can turn into Nightmare Moon and what do you think would cause your beloved Fluttershy to turn evil?
Uh, yeah I told you about Nightmare Rarity
And as for Fluttershy, the sweetest most adorable and kindest mare in all the worlds that'd never happen.
Oh really. You may want to see this
Where did you find that? Why would someone want to tarnish my love's good name. Never speak of that again. you monster.
Oh, there's more evil Fluttershy
Kinda scary, ain't it
Y-yes, y-yes, yes. Ask me anything else You are scaring me, Moviefan.
Very well, one more question, what scares you the most?
YOU JUST SHOWED IT TO ME!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? YOU SADISTIC MAN. I'm not talking to you.
Dustie, I'm sorry. Look, I didn't mean to scare you. Well okay, I did but c'mon. There has to be something I can do to make up for that.
Post a clown
Magic Dust, there has to be something else.
Post a clown
Are you sure, there isn't anything else. How about a Ghostface Pony, or maybe a Freddy or Jason Pony?

Very well then, here you go
Not scary enough. Try again.
Dustie, what do you want from me? I posted a clown!
Try something like this.
Okay Dustie, you made your point and I'm sorry, I'll never do anything like that ever again. Just one thing, how'd you know I was afraid of clowns.
You told me.
Well come on pal, let's get our costumes on and get out of here and put this mess behind us.
Happy Nightmare Night from the two of us at Trotting Through Life.
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