
Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Great and Powerful Trixie

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life.  And today, we close out my look at my favorite non-mane characters as I look at The Great and Powerful Trixie.  Just like the two previous articles, this'll include First Appearance,  Personality,  Favorite Moment, and Why I Like This Character? With that out of the way, let's begin.

First Appearance

Trixie's first appearance was in the episode Boast Busters,  which  I have mixed feelings on because I don't really agree with the mane characters calling out Trixie at her show because they were being hecklers to a performer that was trying to do her job.  Yeah,  she may have embellished a bit but that's part of the job for some people or ponies.   I don't think it was fair to portray Trixie as the antagonist here, when in my eyes. She really hadn't done anything wrong, accept for some embellishments here and there. 


Trixie is loud, proud and as stated embellishes the truth.  She thinks that she's the best there is, when that really isn't the case.  She's kinda like Gaston with how full of herself she is and this shown with her most common trait in how she refers to herself in third person and gave herself the self-appointed title of  THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!  She's an egomaniac.  She is a villain.  Not in her first appearance in her second episode, she became my favorite villain when she used the Alicorn Amulet  to get revenge and that was awesome.

Favorite Moment

I do have one honorable mention.  Does anybody want peanut butter crackers?

No lie, choosing a favorite moment for Trixie was so hard to the point, I almost couldn't narrow it down but I did come up with something.    In Magic Duel, when she declared herself the most powerful unicorn.

Why this moment?   It elevated Trixie from someone that wasn't much of a threat in her first appearance and made her someone that shouldn't be taken lightly.   Yeah, I could've gone with the wheel scene but there is just so menace in this moment that it works and plus the glowing red eyes. Eesh!

Why Do I Like This Character

Magic Duel,  that's it.  The episode Magic Duel is the big reason, I like Trixie because it shows that someone that you may not think as much of a threat can actually be quite villainous in the right setting.    I should mention that I saw Magic Duel before Boast Busters and they do work hand in hand quite well but I do feel that Magic Duel is the superior episode.    Thus concludes my look at my favorite non-mane characters.  If I were to rank him, it'd be in the order the articles came out.  So that means

1.  Princess Cadance (Favorite Princess)
2. Scootaloo (Favorite Filly)
3. The Great and Powerful Trixie (Favorite villain (even though she's only at # 6 on Villains list for Nightmare Night)

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