Hello & welcome back to Flutter Month (Yay!) Well folks, sad to say, we've reached the final review of Flutter Month. Most certainly, not a yay! And today, we put the show behind us and turn to comic books. You see IDW has been putting out two My Little Pony comic books, the main series (which is currently on issue # 9) and the Mirco series. The Mirco series are simple slice of life comics that solely focus on one character and build a story around them. And they are one and done unlike the main series, which have overarching stories. And I should mention that the MLP comics are right now, the only series, I'm following and I only got into them because I'm a Brony and let's just say, these comics are written for the fans and I love both the main series and the Mirco series, which I'll admit feel more in line with the show proper. Now as for the Mirco comics, all of the Mane Six have had their issue with AJ being the last and the only issue, I didn't pre-order because it's Applejack. The next one coming up is the CMC. Now you can probably imagine my excitement when my digital copy of the Fluttershy comic was ready to be downloaded. I was ecstatic and if you haven't figured out why, by now. I have to ask "Were you reading these Fluttertastic reviews?" Now, this'll be broken down into Covers, Staff, Plot, Characters, and My Final Thoughts. With that out of the way, let's begin.
Now depending on who you purchased the comics from, you'd get a different cover but seeing as I downloaded this from Itunes, I received the two standard the two standard covers drawn by Amy Mebberson on Cover A and Tony Fleecs on Cover B.
Cover A
A lot o the covers took inspiration from fairy tales. And Fluttershy of Snow White makes perfect sense with her kind hearted nature and her love of animals. Also, check it, Angel Bunny, Tank, Opalessence, Wyonna, & Owlowiscious are on the cover with her. And I think that is Elizabeak from The Stare Master behind hr. And Gummy underneath her hoof. And the bluebird perched n the tree is from Find A Pet. It's little details like this that make me know that people behind the comics know the fans. And y'know I didn't pick up on all of the other animals from the show until I studied the cover for this review.
Cover B
Cover B is okay, I prefer Cover A. This one kinda reminds me of So Many Wonders with the cloud of butterflies.
Story by Barbara Randall Kesel
The writer of this comic perfectly captured the style and feel of Fluttershy perfectly and it feels perfectly in line with the show proper.
Art by Tony Fleecs
The art was gorgeous and again, it felt like The Hub cartoon and that I feel the best way to show is with my favorite pages from the comic.
That is just gorgeous and also there's a reference to the Rainbow Dash comic and I love the inclusion of the butterflies in there. And are those balloons supposed to Pinkie's cutie mark? Also another thing, I appreciate is how each piece on these pages truly look as though they were knitted. You can even see the stitching in some of these.
Lettered by Neil Uyetake
Now seeing as I really don't know much about comic books and the MLP comics were my first foray into following a series regularly, I had to look up what a letterer does. And according the research, I did.
A letterer is a member of a team of comic book creators responsible for drawing the comic book's text. The letterer's use of typefaces, calligraphy, letter size, and layout all contribute to the impact of the comic. The letterer crafts the comic's "display lettering": the story title lettering and other special captions and credits that usually appear on a story's first page. The letterer also writes the letters in the word balloons and draws in sound effects. Many letterers also design logos for the comic book company's various titles.
Which for a great example of this, I go back to the pages, I showed you previously to show the effect the lettering can have.

Notice how bright, big and loud, the letters are. They are done in that manner to get across Fluttershy's excitement about her secret talent of knitting. Fun fact: Andrea Libman (Fluttershy's VA revealed on Facebook that she likes to knit, when she saw this page). This was great.
Edited by Bobby Curhow
Now just like a show or film, a comic book has an editor. To make sure, everything flows nicely. And I feel for the most part, the story flows nicely. There aren't too many noticeable problems and the story doesn't have a lot of big issues. I feel that it is really good.
The Plot
Now we get to the meat of things. The plot in many ways reminded of Sweet and Elite. Mainly in how Fluttershy hid her true identity and lest we forget that the Canterlot Elite appear in this issue. Which includes my two least favorite characters, Jet Set and Upper Crust. We start the comic with Flutters walking through Ponyville, when she sees an ad for Princess Celestia's Extreme Art Contest. She takes the ad back to her cottage in a flash as if she is hiding some big secret. In a cute panel, Fluttershy and Angel are both standing in front of doors, hoping that no one comes in. What big secret is she hiding? Well it's...
And she goes through and shows off all of the projects, she's made including chicken cozy cups, an entire tree. Angel Bunny is the one that convinces her to enter. She goes in disguise, it's basically a bee keeper looking outfit. And on the next page, we see Fluttershy in her disguise pushing her big knitted project. Also keep an eye out on this page as Princes Cadance appears in an abstract painting as does Twily on another page in an abstract painting. Two ponies offer her help but Fluttershy, doesn't want anyone to help. In fear of ridicule. She gets to her spot and sets up and we see her craft, it's a beautiful knitted statue of Fluttershy with her butterflies. I'll quote Fluttershy and Angel right here.
Fluttershy: I hope Princess Celestia will appreciate the symbolism inherent in the chaotic juxtaposition of my Cutie Mark melded into a transformative spiral representing the process of personal maturation as experienced by an introverted artisan.
Angel Bunny: ???
Fluttershy: I mean that I hope she likes my art because it's all about me learning to be brave.
I just loved this moment and I feel that it is one the cutest moments from the comics and it totally captures, Flutters. Right after this, Fluttershy points out Praiser Pan, a cruel and vicious modern art critic. His nose is so up high in the air that he can't see anything good in any pieces of artwork. Such as he calls Fluttershy's piece of work raw and not in emotion but as in uncooked. When I saw this, I wanted to scream. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH HER PIECE OF WORK, YOU Imbecile?" Though, I'll give Miss Fluttershy, this much credit. She stood up for her piece after Meanie McMeanine Meaninepants (sorry, had a Pinkie moment) called it, craft in a derogatory manner.
Here's what she said. Also, Miss Rarity was there as Fancy Pant's guest and when she heard the voice behind the disguise and saw the butterflies, she knew it was Flutters.
Fluttershy: But don't you think, isn't it possible that the artist could have chosen humble materials to show a connection between the simple stuff we're made of and how changing into adults is complicated?
I love this moment because it feels as though, Fluttershy is using the lesson, she learned from Putting Your Hoof Down. Yes,she is in disguise but she is still standing up for herself. Of course, this doesn't work well on Praiser Pan as he just tears into her.
Praiser Pan: Excuse Me? And what credentials do you have that allow you such a learned evaluation? Where did you study? Are you a contemporary of the artist?
He just tears into Flutters but Miss Rarity is impressed and Fluttershy starts to leave downtrodden and upset. It's when Miss Rarity sees the butterflies that she gets an inkling and studies the outfit that Fluttershy is wearing remembering Fluttershy's size measures and she knows who it is. Fluttershy tries to deny her identity but her friend won't have any of it. And once the Canterlot Elite, find out who made the piece, they tear into Fluttershy calling her piece, dull uninteresting, and unfashionable. And Praiser Pan calls Fluttershy, inconsequential. Excuse me, do you know who you are talking to? One of the Elements of Harmony, the mare that reformed Discord, someone that can stare down a cockatrice, scold a dragon, former one time fashion model. Do I need to go on?
You do not talk to Fluttershy, that way. Though Rarity tells her friend to ignore them. Though Fluttershy start to tear up from all the ridicule,she has been receiving. There's an interesting panel that is split in half with the text that is going on. On the left, all of the bubbles are making of Fluttershy's work whereas on the right, ponies actually dig it. It gets so bad that one point, Flutters almost considered destroying her work. But she stops because she is proud of it and realizes that she shouldn't care what other ponies think. And then should come along but the fair Princess Celestia, who likes the piece and finds it to be delightfully original. And in the end, the Princess awards Fluttershy for her work. As Praiser Pan changes his attitude because Princess Celestia likes the piece. Typical! All in all, I liked this comic and not just because it's Fluttershy but because the people behind this comic got who she was and captured her personality wonderfully in this comic. This is my favorite out of the Mirco series right next to Miss Rarity's but I'm a bigger Flutter Fan and as a Fluttershy comic, this felt like a Fluttershy episode. I could honestly see this being an episode of the show.
Now, this'll be broken down into Main, Supporting, and Antagonist. With that out of the way, let's begin.
Main Character
Fluttershy was great in this comic. Again, this comic book captured who Flutters is. She's shy and doesn't like other ponies and is scared of ridicule. Though I really have to give Fluttershy credit, she put her own work out there. That is a big step for Fluttershy. Was she nervous? Yeah, but she took the first step and actually acted upon it. That is huge accomplishment for my girly. That was awesome. And besides that she learns to be happy with your own work and to not let what others say get to you.
Supporting Characters
Angel Bunny
Angel was actually pretty funny, I think this and the example of the conservation, I gave up top were good examples. And this comic remembers how much Angel and Fluttershy mean to one another as he was her biggest supporter. True, he disappears once Miss Rarity shows up but still, there were a lot of cute moments between Fluttershy and Angel Bunny.
Some people complained about Rarity playing such a big part in this comic with this coming an issue after her Mirco but I say to that, it makes sense. Because honestly, who put better to show how Fluttershy how to deal with the Canterlot Elite then Miss Rarity, who had put up with them and their stupid ways back in Sweet and Elite.
Praiser Pan
Yeah, if you hadn't figured it out, I don't like this character at all. He has his nose so high up in the air and he thinks that he is so better then everyone else that I just want to knock him down a few pegs. He acts all high mighty and disses and obliterates Fluttershy but once Celestia comes in and states that she likes it, he changes his tune. Typical! Look, if you don't like it fine and don't let someone change your opinion, you Phony McPhony Phony (another Pinkie moment)
My Final Thoughts
All in all, I love this comic. I feel that it was very well done, I've re read about five times since my first go through. This was as my said, my favorite issue. This is one I highly suggest. If you can find it, pick it up. I hope you guys enjoyed this as I went outside my comfort zone doing a comic book review but I think this may be my favorite review from Flutter Month (Yay!) Join me next time as I close out Flutter Month (Yay!) as I countdown my...
Top 6 Fluttershy Moments
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