
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Top 12 Songs of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Pt. 2

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life. Today, I conclude my countdown of my Top 12 songs from the show as I countdown the Top 5.    Let's begin.

5.  Art of The Dress/Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know) - Suited For Success/Sweet and Elite 

Ah, these two songs along with these episodes bumped Rarity up to third best member of the Mane Six for me.  Again, I know it's another tie but I can't choose between these songs,  I love them both so much and they encompass who Miss Rarity is quite well. Starting with Art of The Dress,   it shows how passionate, she is about fashion and also how willing she is to make changes for her friends, even if she's knows that they'll turn out horrid and boy do they.   Girls,   I'm thankful that your leaving the fashion choices to Rarity as I don't know what any of you were thinking.   And also, lest we forget that this song gave to 20 percent cooler. One of the most popular MLP memes.  Even though I think Pinkie's interaction with Rarity on her dress is funnier but  ah well.  Now let' move onto Becoming Popular,  now it's a bit tougher to explain why I like this one because on the surface,  if you don't know Rarity, it could come across in a negative light but I think one of the reasons, I like it is because Rarity has attained the fame, she has wanted and is with the Canterlot elite and that makes her feel special.    I can't fault her for that because, she got something, she wanted and I'm happy for her, even if it did come at a cost and some lies along the way but, oh well.   Everything worked out in the end and plus it is just a really cute song to listen to.

4. Winter Wrap-Up -Winter Wrap-Up

Ah, one of the more popular choices from the show.  I know many fans count this as their favorite and I like it too but  not enough for the number one spot.  But it is a catchy song and again, and everyone gets a great chance to shine in this song.    And I love Twilight in this song in how unsure of herself she is as she wants to try and help without using magic but she doesn't know how and we get to explore that rather well in not only this song but also this episode. Also,  this may make me look like a bit of a dork but whenever I had to shovel snow last year,  I would sing the lyrics of this song or listen to it first on my IPod.

3. A True True Friend  - Magical Mystery Cure

Now if you recall my Top 12, I did for April Fool's Day when I swapped with Les.  This song took the number one moment.  The first time, I heard this song was a few days before the finale at the crack of dawn in a hospital waiting room and  my emotions were all over the place that day as I was worried about a loved one but this song  cheered me back up and brought out tears of joy.   To date, this is the only thing from MLP to ever make me cry. I can't even explain why I had that reaction but there were tears welling up in my eyes as I listened to this song and they came right back when I saw it in the episode.  This is one of the most touching songs, I've heard in a long time and as I said, it's a reminder how much the girls mean to each other.

2.  Smile, Smile, Smile - A Friend In Deed

This song is Pinkie Pie in a nutshell. And I love it for that,  this song does it's job quite well as each time, I listen to it there is always a big grin on my face.   It is so infectious that I swear it really seems to spread happiness and that is just great because we need more happiness in our lives and hey, if the the Pink Party Pony can bring a smile to my face, I'll take it.

1.  At  The Gala - The Best Night Ever

This song right here is the one that made me take notice of the music on the show and go "Whoa,  this show knows how to good songs".   This will always be my favorite song from the show for a few simple reasons,  I love hearing the girls singing about their dreams and hopes for the Gala and the background singers was such an awesome touch.  Honestly, each time I hear this song I can picture being performed on a stage.   It's just so good and it is one of those songs that after listen to it,  I just have to hear it again.   I love this song so much that it was one of the first songs I sought out to add to my library of music.   Everything about this song to me is just perfect, I cannot find a single fault within this gorgeous number. Also for the longest time, I've been wanting to do an ME version of this song expressing my love for the site but couldn't come up with any good lyrics.   Ah well.

There you have it, my Top 12 songs from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. My fellow Bronies and Pegasisters, what are some of your favorites? Let me know in the comments.   Now for those wondering here are two songs, I don't like besides the extended theme.   The Cutie Mark Crusaders Anthem from The Showstoppers.   I get that this song was supposed to sound bad on purpose but it is painful to listen to.   And my least favorite song from the show, Love Is In Bloom. Technically,  this isn't a bad song but it just sounds blah when compared to the other songs from this episode.   Yeah, I know it's one of the shorter songs but it just doesn't have that MLP flair or flavor that I like.  Because even as much as I hate The Cutie Mark Crusaders Anthem,  at least that stays with you but Love Is In Bloom sounds like a generic '90s Pop song that would've bee sung by someone like Britney Spears before she went cuckoo and less like a song  from the show.  It's  not bad but it is boring and that is my biggest issue with the song, it is the most boring song from the show.   And boring is worse then bad in my opinion.   So there you have it,   my favorite songs from the show.  Tell me fellow Bronies and Pegasisters, what are some of your favorites from the show?  Let me know in the comments. Peace!

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