
Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Thoughts On Nightmare Rarity

Hello & Welcome back to Trotting Through Life.  Something I haven't touched  upon yet in this series is the IDW comic book series but as soon I saw the last page of Issue # 6,  I knew that I had to talk about it.  Currently, the comic is in it's second arc and the comic introduced a new villain.     Nightmare Rarity.   My reaction to Nightmare Rarity was like "Woah,  I can't believe they did that".  Who is Nightmare Rarity,  it's Rarity but she's the new Nightmare Moon.  When rumors first spread that one of the show characters was going to become Nightmare Moon in the comics, my first thought and I don't know why was that it'd be Trixie. Don't know why I thought that because using one of the Mane Six makes more sense and I honestly think that Rarity is the most logical choice to become the new Nightmare Moon.    Let's take a look at the rest of the Mane Six and I'll break down why,  I don't think they would've worked.  Pinkie Pie: The world isn't ready for Nightmare Pinkie.  Applejack, Rainbow and Twilight would've all been very resistant and would've fought harder against this change. Fluttershy, I could see this happening as the creatures on the moon that were referred to a space bunnies but they don't look like Angel played on Rarity's insecurities and that her friends may leave her, when they find someone more generous then her.  Kinda reminds of me what Discord did in The Return of Harmony, when he turned the girls against each other but this has a much worse outcome then Tom The Rock.

But then I think back to how Fluttershy stood up to Discord and he was forced to change her as he had the hardest time with her.  I imagine that may've been the same issue here but then  again, the comic is not written by the staff writers of the show.   And quite honestly,  after Flutters, Miss Rarity is the second most insecure member  of the Mane Six. Now each pony has her own insecurity that can be played upon and we saw that in the comic as well in a bunch of panels with the characters in nightmares such as Twi's, which was way to remarkably similar to The Crystal Empire Pt. 2, where Celestia was upset with  Twilight.  Or Pinkie bombing at a stand up act and Dash not being able to help save Ponyville because she thought she had lost her wings.  Getting back on topic though, I'm intrigued by the idea of Nightmare Rarity because even though, the girls have faced tough villains such as Discord of The Changeling Queen, this one is going to put them through an emotional roller coaster and the fact that Princess Luna is with them to help on this journey is only in my opinion going to make things harder.  Because she can relate to when she was Nightmare Moon and as Lauren Faust stated, any of the ponies can become Nightmare Moon.   I truly feel that the girls are going to have a big conflict here because they'll know that'll have to stop Rarity from whatever she plans to do as the new Nightmare Moon but at the same time,  it's one of their best friends that they are going up against and they don't want to hurt her.    Also  according to the comic plot , Spike is going to play a big part in the next issue and that makes sense considering his crush on Rarity. He'll most likely be the most heartbroken because of this.  Good thing, Sweetie Belle because that would've led to this.

Because, we've already seen how one sister felt when her sister became Nightmare Moon but with Nightmare Rarity, it isn't a sisterly focus but rather a focus on Rarity feeling that her friends will leave her.  Something, that I would like to see in the next few issues is Rarity actually trying to fight the urge to be Nightmare Moon and try to be break free for the hold of Nightmare Moon herself.   Of course, I'll freely admit that this idea does come from the fanfic, Past Sins,involving an OC character that is adopted by Twilight being Nightmare Moon.    Now I know some of you may be thinking,  "Why can't they use The Elements of Harmony?"   Well, two things,  A.  they didn't take them  to the moon and B. more importantly,   Rarity is one of the Elements of Harmony and  as we've seen when they were used on Luna as Nightmare Moon and Discord,  they needed all six of the girls in order for them to work.   I mean, go back to The Return of Harmony Pt. 2, where Rainbow Dash had been turned disloyal, the opposite of her Element as she is the element of Loyalty.   I mean,  Twilight tried to have Spike act as the New Element of Loyalty because as she told, " Congratulations, Spike. You're the new Rainbow Dash. Now let's go!" That didn't work because Spike isn't one of the Elements of Harmony.

So, the girls are going to have to try and find another way to free Rarity from Nightmare Moon's hold and I'm excited to see what they come up with.  Honestly,  Nightmare Rarity could end up either being one of the heartbreaking MLP stories if done right or it could go downhill as turning good guys evil is a very hard thing to pull off properly but the main comic series hasn't let me down yet. One last note,  thank you for giving Nightmare Rarity, a different look then Luna as Nightmare Moon.

Something, like this reminds me why I'm a fan of this franchise because this a ballsy move to  pull. And MLP hasn't shied away from going dark in the past but if I'm to be honest, I think because the comic doesn't have the same restrictions as the show, it is allowed to go darker,  because there is no way, the show would never do this, just because I don't think they'd be allowed to.   At the end of the day, I have to say that I'm kind of excited at the prospect of Nightmare Rarity as I see a lot of promise in this idea and  I just know that'll it be a great read.   My fellow Bronies and Pegasisters, what are your thoughts on Nightmare Rarity? Do you think it's a good idea like I do or do you think it's a dumb idea? Let me know in the comments. Peace!

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