
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Top `12 Songs of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Pt. 1

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life.  One of my favorite things about MLP is the music be it, the fan music or the show music as is today's case.  Quite honestly,  the show has produced some of my favorite songs and that's why today, I'm counting the top 12 songs of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.   Why 12?    There's too many good songs to narrow it down to just 6.   Now,  I will admit that there are some episodes that have more then one song on here but I'm okay with that.  So please join me today for Pt. 1 as I countdown numbers 12 - 6.  And keep in mind that this is my list, you may not agree and that's fine.   With that out of the way, let's begin but actually before I start,  I have two Honorable Mentions.

Honorable Mentions

Our first honorable mention is 

Now I know it may seem like a cop out to include the theme song but it is really catchy as are  a lot of the songs from the show and it serves as a great introduction for the Mane Six, each giving them a moment in the spotlight.  Admittedly, I do think the opening is a little lame with repetitiveness of saying My Little Pony but then it kicks again and gets good.  Also stay away from the extended version as it is not that good.   I get that they were trying to have more of Twilight's perspective and in that regard it reminds me of a lesser version of Big Brother Best Friend Forever but the lyrics are so lame.   The Applejack of my eye. Seriously! And I know that Lauren wrote the lyrics for this but Lauren, look your awesome and I respect ya but thank you for not using the extended version as it is bad!  

The Ballad of The Crystal Empire  - The Crystal Empire Pt. 1

I'll admit that it was tough leaving this song off the list because I really like it but The Crystal Empire had two other songs that I'd like more.  This one, I like because it just feels me with joy listening to it and I can't ask for more then that from a song.

12.   The Perfect Stallion - Hearts & Hooves Day

Coming in at # 12, we have the Cutie Mark Crusaders in the Valentines Day episode,  oh excuse Hearts & Hooves Day episode singing about trying to find  a perfect mate for their teacher, Cheerilee (one of my favorites)  and they go through how these different mates and none of them are suitable.  It's hard to explain why, I like this one so much but it just really has a cute sound to it and the differ stallions, they go through before ending up on Big Mac are really fun to look at and I love Applebloom's last line.  

Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. Are you talking about my brother?

As it dawns her on that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle want to set up her big brother with their teacher and surprisingly enough, she's okay with it.    This is one many songs, that I could listen to and never get tired of.

11. The Failure Song/The Success Song - The Crystal Empire

Okay first off, I don't think The Crystal Empire is as bad as some people make it out to be but I'm not here to talk about that.  Now the big reason, I put these two together is because they go together, simple as that.  The Failure Song aka the song that I'll be listening to before I take finals is an important song for Twilight and a relatable one because we all face challenges in our life, where we have a sense of doubt.  I mean just look at the joke, I made up there.   While Twilight's challenge is a lot bigger then a Theater final,  people can relate to this song of the fear of letting people down and in that regard, I feel this song works better for an older audience then the intended demographic for the show.  Now on the flip side is the reprise, The Success Song and that song that serves as confirmation from our friends and loved ones that we shouldn't worry too much because so long as we are prepared, we will do our best.   Again, this song can be related to real life events and that is one of the big reasons,  I like this song.

10.  B.B.B.F.F (Big Best Friend Forever) - A Canterlot Wedding Pt. 1

This is such a cute song and I love getting to explore the relationship between Twily and her big brother and seeing how she meant to him.  It is so clear that she really loves him (I don't care about the complaints that he and Cadance weren't mentioned until this episode either.  Especially considering Cadance is one of my favorites).   Anyways, I think a big reason, I like this song again goes back to being relatable.  Now I'm a younger brother to a big sister but  the way Twily sings about Shining Armor is how I feel about my big sister. We may have had our ups and downs but we were always there for each other and even though, we may live in two different states,  I always think of her.

9.  Find A Pet   - May The Best Pet Win 

A song featuring Fluttershy, only at # 9.     Yes, I'm shocked too but my girl makes another appearance on the list.  This song is just so much fun and I love how Fluttershy and Dash balance each other out with how excited Flutters is to find a pet for Dashie and Dashie is at first, thinking "Really, these aren't cool" but as the song progresses,  you hear the excitement raise in Dashie's voice as she sees all these animals that she's considers awesome. And in the end, she does get the awesomest pet.  Tank the Turtle,   

Oh right, he's a tortoise. Sorry about that Tank, still best pet.   

8.  Babs Seed - One Bad Apple

This song marks the second appearance of the CMC on this list and this song is from the second bullying episode that MLP did and the first episode I watched to give the show a proper chance but I was not yet a fan at the time. As for this song,  there are two big reasons, I like it. First because it's catchy and reminds me of something I would've heard on a Saturday morning cartoon growing up. And secondly,  it's quite fascinating, how they were to take topic such as bullying and make such a fun song around it.  Because that just seems rather strange and like it shouldn't work but it really does.   And Scootaloo looks so cute sipping her milkshake but   again,  another thing I really like about this number is the imagery and how it almost has a music video feel to it.   Take for example, this scene right here.


That honestly looks like something you'd either see in a music video or go back to older cartoons,  Josie and The Pussycats.   I would not be surprised if the latter was inspiration for this number. Also is it just me or does anyone else think that would make a really cool screensaver.   

7.  This Day Aria  -  A Canterlot Wedding Pt. 2

Ah, the song that made me love Cadance.   Yep, I love this song and someone correct me if I'm wrong here but I think this is the closest the show has ever come to doing a villain song.  I love all in this song we are hearing Cadance singing about her love for Shining Armor while at the same time hearing The Changeling Queen gloating because she thinks that she has won.  They balance  each other out nicely as we get to hear someone sing about true love and someone else sing about how they don't care about it and serves as a sweet glimpse into Cadance's love and also as a great  villain song for The Changeling Queen.   Something that you usually don't see and it is pulled off rather well.

6. So Many Wonders - The Cutie Mark Chronicles 

Okay, Fluttershy. Awesome, Filly Fluttershy, so cute.    I do have one issue with this song, I wish it were longer because I want to hear more of filly Fluttershy's singing because it is just so freakin' adorable.  Getting to watch  my girl discover her special talent and get her cutie mark as she is taken in with the wonder of  the animals and nature is just so cute and man, filly Flutters knows to leave one of her biggest fans wanting more at the end of this number

Well, there are numbers 12 - 6. Join me next time as I countdown the top 5 and any bets on what'll appear in the top 5. I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Peace!

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