
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Questions For Magic Dust # 1

Hi,   Magic Dust here. Apparently Moviefan needed a break as he said his last set of articles were a bit emotionally taxing.  So, he's letting me fill in for him.   But  I don't know what he had planned. Ah,   what's this?   *looks and sees a piece of paper*   It appears that he has left me some questions to answer.  All right, this should be fun.

Do You  have any siblings?

Yes, a big sister, Star Gazer.  She works as an astronomer for Canterlot University and has a small child.   We are very close to one another,  but we do not get to see each other that often now as I am travelling through Equestira trying to find the meaning of my cutie mark.

Does TV exist in Equestira?

Yes,  TV does exist but not many ponies own one as they are rather expensive.  I am saving up to buy my own.  And on that note, we also have movie theaters. And a while back someone tried to make a movie about Rainbow Dash pulling off a Double Rainboom.   Knowing Rainbow Dash and watching that movie, I was infuriated as it felt like they were trying to smear her good name. And get this,  there were plans for a sequel.  Thankfully, the movie bombed so hard at the theater, that we will never see the sequel.

What kind of music do you listen to?  

I listen to all kinds of music but my favorite artist is Colt Porter,  I've actually talked to him in the past and  I was freaking out because one of my music idols was talking to me.

I'm also really into Vinyl Scratch and Octavia.   You would never think that their style of music would blend together but wubs and classical go great.  There's also this rumor that Octavia is  one of the Pie sisters.  Pinkie won't confirm this but it wouldn't surprise me, if that was true.

What was your reaction to your cousin, Twilight Sparkle becoming a princess?

Meh, not a hit on Twilight but she's always been good with magic.   Kinda knew she was destined for greatness. Everyone in the family always praises.  "Oh look, Twilight saved The Crystal Empire, oh look Twilight defeated Discord".    Yeah,  accomplishments such as getting a job interview kinda pale in comparison to Twilight's achievements.   I don't hate Twilight but she has always been the Golden Child. It just gets annoying after a while hearing about everything, she has done.

Were  You Ever foalsat by Cadance as a young colt?   

Once or twice and she seemed really nice.  Although  as cute as Sunshine rhyme was the first time, I heard it.   It's become grating ever since and I can't look at a butterfly without it getting stuck in my head.

Why Fluttershy?

Oh, your referring to my crush on Fluttershy.  No comment.   I think that's enough  questions for now.  This was kinda fun, I hope Moviefan has more questions for me to answer in the future and if you guys have any questions for me, feel free to leave them and the next time, Moviefan is busy, I'll do one of these. 

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