
Monday, April 15, 2013

My Little Dashie Pt. 3 (The Fan Content)

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life. Today, I conclude my look at My Little Dashie as I take a look at the fan content that has come from My Little Dashie. Oh, where to start, where to start.  How about with some teasers, one animated and one for an actual film that is in production that was supposed to come out last year but has been  pushed back to '14.  So, let's begin.

First up is this animated trailer

This is pretty much what convinced me to go back and re read My Little Dashie because I was still in that period of trying to figure what all the hype was about. And as for this trailer, not bad.   Has a almost anime feel to it.  Now as for how Dash looks in this trailer, well, she's okay.

Although, those scratches do make me think she was beat up and then placed in the box.  Seriously, I can't be the only one thinking anime, when looking at Dashie here. Can I?  Now here is the other trailer and I actually really like this one and I also want to show off their poster as well.

Now there is some sad news,  this movie is currently on hiatus. Which is a shame because it looks really good and I cannot wait to see the finished product as I think it'll be amazing.  Now I also want to show you the poster for this MLD film as I really like it.

Quite a simple concept but the idea is that Dash drew that picture and I like the inclusion of the Sonic Rainboom in the poster behind a filly Rainbow Dash.   And notice how The Dad is standing on the road and all of that is gray while the rest of the poster is in color signifying something better is on it's way.   The only complaint I have and it's minor at best is that the box looks like a stick of butter but other then that, I really dig this poster. This is better then most of the Hollywood posters, we get today.

Now the next thing, I want to talk about is a song by fan musician, Aviators.   It's actually an alternate version of a song he did about Applejack and Rainbow Dash but reworked the lyrics to fit My Little Dashie. My opinion,  good.

So far, I've been very impressed by the fan music from the Brony community.   This song while not my favorite MLP fan song (that's a tie between Kindness and A Long Way From Equestira).   This song is about The Dad and his love for Dash but I think the issue, I have with this song as much I like it is that,  at the end of the story, The Dad was okay with letting go.   I guess you could argue that this is trying to cope with her being gone because they spent 15 years together. Still, very good.  

Now I also want to touch on Fan art and it was narrowing it down but I did find the piece I wanted to showcase.

Okay,  this is sad and I love the little touches like the box.  And I swear each time, I look at this picture, Somewhere Out There from An American Tail plays in my head and that only makes it sadder.   So yeah, sorry to close this out on such a downer.

And thus concludes my 3 part look at My Little Dashie.    The Review, Why It's Popular, and the Fan Content.  Now I won't be doing this for every popular fanfic I review as Past Sins also has a lot of fan art as well but considering how long that story is, the review itself may be in two parts.   Ah well,  after spending 3 articles looking at My Little Dashie, I think that I need a break.   

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