Hello & welcome back to our Nightmare Night celebration here as we conclude our look at Queen Chrysalis. In 2015, the MLP writers and artists at IDW gave fans a five-week limited series FIENDship Is Magic. And these five issues would explore the past of some of Equestira's most feared villains including King Sombra, Tirek, The Sirens, Nightmare Moon and the subject of today's review, Chrysalis. Now, we've already looked at the 4th FIENDship issue back in 2015 as we looked at Nightmare Moon
This cover is really cool and shows a graceful side to Chrysalis. Each of the covers for FIENDship was based on famous paintings.
The Plot
The team of Cook & Price returned for this comic, which I think helps out as it is a direct sequel to The Return of Queen Chrysalis. Kinda, you see as this is actually an anthology comic exploring the many exploits of Chrissy with the wraparound story serving as the sequel. And it also has one of Twilight's dumbest moments ever. But we will get to that. Let's begin, how this will work is that I'll talk about the wraparound as they give the set up and then talk about the stories. And considering that this is an anthology comic, characters aren't exactly key to the comic.
We open on the Mane Six returning to the castle from the end of the first arc and we see that Twilight has mapped out a thousand year punishment plan for Chrissy. We also get the return of Pinkie's costume from that arc. We also get our first look at The Changeling Queen and it's clear that she has started to wither away as she refuses to eat anything that the guards present her.

And this leads us to the first story of the comic after Rarity comments on how Chrysalis was the reprobate that ruined the cloud city of Timbucktu.
This happened 1,000 years ago. And after a rather funny comment from Spike.
Spike: Why is it always 1,000 years ago? That must have been one heck of a year...
And we then get the story from Rainbow Dash as she can add more to the story than Twily.
King Orion was loved by all of his subjects and he was on top of the world. And we soon see that The Changelings are ready to attack as they Chrysalis and her Changelings attack Orion's guards and Chrissy takes the form of one of Orion's guards.
Chrissy did to drain the love out of Orion and his subjects and proved to be a success. Orion had nothing left im and becoming a husk of his former self. And according to Dashie, he flew so high that he turned into starlight. That was one of Dash's embellishments but Chrissy admired that as everyone desires to be remembered.
This leads us to our second story, The Siege on Trot.
The Siege on Trot
Yeah, there is not a whole lot to this story as it's just the Changelings in a Trojan horse going after Emperor Incitatus, who I am convinced is an ancestor of Blueblood. He is just so oblivious to everything going on around him, when The Changelings attack and that makes it easier for the attacks to take place. Turns out that Celestia had to come in and save the citizens that this idiot were meant to protect.
Before, getting a story about the Changelings being imprisoned in a volcano and a cute moment of Pinkie Pie with her third grade Volcano from that year's science fair, we are given a pointless story about Rarity thinking that a date that she went on was with a Changeling because of how boring the stallion was. We will be skipping that story as it overall has no relevance to what we are looking at.
The Changelings were trapped in the volcano and it was smoldering hot and Chrissy is concerned as dragons are the one creatures that do not feel love.
(Spike interjects on that point) We get a short conservation between the dragon and Chrissy as she tries to figure out how to escape that she starts to mind control the dragon and we get one of the coolest panels in this comic.
By doing this and feed off the dragon's ego, Chrysalis uses her Changeling army to attack the dragon and knock him over and that is how they are able to escape. And they knock the dragon onto the volcano.
This leads to our last story, Twilight has become curious about Chrissy's origin. And Chrissy says that she would if she could have Rainbow Dash's book. And yes, it's a Daring Do book. And Dash is not keen on giving up her book but Twi says that she'll buy her another one. The book won't fit through the slot on Chrissy's door and she suggests that Twilight could open the door a little to bring it in. And this is where we get to the dumb moment as Chrissy was playing Twilight and use this moment to escape.
In a dialogue free story, we a squirrel toss a rotten acorn into a swamp that grows into a tree and that tree eats a fly and Starswirl The Bearded comes by and accidentally knocks a potion into the swamp and that's how the Changelings are born.
Yeah, turns out that Chrysalis was making this all up and she was just born this way and in a rare moment, this comic ends with the villain getting the upper hand on our heroines as she and her Changelings escape and boy, do the Mane Six look peeved. (So, sorry about the language) Especially, Fluttershy.
My Final Thoughts
I think doing the comic, this way for Chrissy was the best way to go as she is such a fascinating figure that while you do want to know more about her past, Chrysalis is a villain that doesn't need a definitive origin. She's more fascinating, when you leave that part of her past mysterious. Still, it was fun to go into this comic and explore some past exploits of one of the most feared MLP villains.
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