
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Party With Pinkie: Spice Up Your Life

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life and back to Party With Pinkie. And today, we have reached the final episode review as we look at season 6's midseason finale, Spice Up Your Life.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

The Plot

This is our second Cuite Map episode of this retrospective and since Glim Glam had used the map to travel back in time, it had been on the fritz but thanks to the help from Starlight and Twilight, it's now working again and we have our first Cutie Map mission of season 6 as Pinkie Pie and Rarity are sent to Canterlot.

In Canterlot, we see how Rarity and Pinkie Pie have different ways of approaching friendship problems as Rarity goes out looking for a friendship problem whereas Pinkie lets the friendship problem come to her, and we see that Pinkie is really hungry and this is where we learn of the three hoof rating from Zesty Gourmand that all supposedly good restaurants in Canterlot have but after a montage of Pinkie trying all of the food that these eateries offer, Pinkie is ready to try a new place and her nose leads her to the Tasty Treat.


We learn that the Tasty Treat isn't doing that well as it doesn't have any hoofs.  And this is when we are introduced to the father/daughter duo,  Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala that run the place and that they are having troubles with the restaurant and this is when Pinkie discovers the friendship problem but Rares isn't sure until she tries the food.   That's then, when Pinkie and Rarity decide through song on the best ways to help the family and as I'll discuss during the song portion, Daniel Ingram put his all into this new style of music for MLP.  This is after Rarity is able to get Zesty come to the Tasty Treat for the grand re-opening that night.


Through the musical number, it is clear that Pinkie and Rarity took on the wrong jobs as Pinkie was only able to get two other ponies to come and Rarity turned the restaurant into one of the standard and bland eateries on Canterlot's Restaurant Row and well, when Zesty shows up, things end up going downhill for our main characters as Saffron tries to serve the food that she wants to make but Zesty is less than impressed but Rarity and Pinkie aren't going to give up. And decide that they just needed to switch jobs as Pinkie stays to turn the Tasty Treat back into what it was before and Rarity goes to get ponies to come and as someone that watches Food Network, I loved the ponification of celebrity chefs that I have watched for years. It was such a treat for someone that is such a fan of Food Network.

Now, I know a lot of people were expecting Zesty to have an Anton Ego moment, when she saw everyone coming to the Tasty Treat to eat and well, that would have been nice and I know that Rarity's speech at the end makes it seem like the episode is anti-criticism and in a sense I can understand that but Zesty never offered any actual constructive criticism.  Rather, I took this message to be more anti-conformity.  That the ponies should not conform to the whims of what one pony says. 

At the end of the day, I like this episode but I think out of the Cutie Map episodes, it's a bit more forgettable than the others that we've had.


Pinkie Pie & Rarity voiced by Andrea Libman & Tabitha St. Germain 

I decided to look at the characters grouped together here and this being the second Pinkie and Rarity episode of season 6, I loved how well, the two worked together.  You see that they have different ideas on how to do things but come together to make things work and yes, they have a small moment of tension towards the latter but they are able to overcome it and they put their efforts together to help the struggling family and throughout it all, you know that they mean well but they should have communicated better but then, it wouldn' have been much conflict.

Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala voiced by  Lee Tockar & Diana Kaarina 

I wouldn't mind seeing these two again as they are so likable even through the turmoils that they went through with the infighting.   Families fight like that because of how much they care for each other but thanks to Pinkie and Rarity, they are able to come together again and make the food that they love and have the ponies in Canterlot like them for them and not conforming to Zesty's absurd standards.


If I'm to be honest, I felt season 6's music was hit and miss in terms of the songs. I don't feel like there were any true standouts like in previous seasons.  This probably came the closest to being a standout song because this is a style of music that we haven't seen or heard in MLP before.  It's good, really good.   I enjoy the singing here but other than this being a different style of music for MLP, which is very good, I don't feel as though, It's Gonna Work brought much to the table.  It's not a bad song but not one that I find myself returning to that often.


Zesty Gourmand voiced by Fiona Hogan 

Zesty could have worked better as antagonist if she perhaps had an Anton Ego like moment but I don't think she's bad for what she is meant to be representing in terms of conformity and how the chefs in Canterlot at the end, decide to buck the trend because they are tired of making the food that only Zesty likes.  

My Final Thoughts

  Thankfully, unlike the Rarity Retrospective,  the last episode that we are looking at isn't one of the worst episodes that we've looked at during this event.  At best, it's okay, and at worst, it's forgettable.  I don't hate it but I don't think that there is much to suggest in terms of this episode.  Join me next time as we take a trip through the portal  to look at Pinkie on The One and Pinkie Spy

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