
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Party With Pinkie: Pinkie Apple Pie

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life. And today, our party with the Pink Pony continues as we study her genealogy and find out, whether or not, she's an Apple.  In many respects, this is more an Apple family episode seen through the eyes of Pinkie Pie but Pinkie is a key factor in the episode and this is the first time that Pinkie & AJ were paired up. With that out of the way, let's begin.

The Plot

We open at Golden Oak Library, where we see Twilight studying genealogy and Pinkie's there too. How? Don't know but don't question Pinkie logic.  And this is when she finds out that she might be related to Applejack and she goes to share this news with her possible cousin.


The Apples are more than excited at the prospect of possibly having a new member and in a funny bit, AJ shows off the family members and what they can do. Even though, we know at this point that Pinkie has met the Apples before but they want to make sure that Pinkie is related and Granny Smith suggests that the best way to verify this is by going to see Golden Delicious as her house is basically a museum of Apple family history and from that point, it basically becomes a family road trip where anything that can go wrong will go wrong.


From here, the episode becomes a bit basic in terms of the structure. It's not bad but there is nothing that truly stands out either. We start the road trip out with AJ wanting to see the best of the Apple family.  Which brings me to something else that I have noticed with other Apple episodes, Granny Smith is unquestionably the matriarch but a lot of AJ episodes seem to show her as the leader of Sweet Apple Acres.  So, the journey starts  with a great song, Apples to The Core but the cart breaks after that number as Big Mac overpacked it.  And we see AJ get mad at her older brother but no matter, they rebuild it into a raft


Though that brings about another set of problems as they lose the map, thanks to Apple Bloom and the raft comes apart after going through the scariest cave in all of Equestira.


Now, you may have noticed that I haven't touched on Pinkie much this review and well, I think that goes back to what I said at the beginning of the review, this is more an Apple Family episode seen through the eyes of Pinkie Pie and when it comes to Pinkie in this episode, she is just happy to be spending time with the Apples and this is most evident in the scrapbook that she is putting together through the trip.

And when we see them finally get to Golden Delicious' house, she can't make out if Pinkie is related to the Apples or not but AJ determines that after the trip that they took together, she is an Apple through and through.  And the episode ends with a reprise of Apples To The Core.


Applejack, Big Mac, Granny Smith, & Apple Bloom voiced by Ashleigh Ball, Peter New,  Tabitha St. Germain, & Michelle Creber

As I've said throughout this entire review, this is an Apple Family episode through the eyes of Pinkie Pie and through that we see the strength and weaknesses of the Apples but Pinkie loves the Apples for who they are because after all of the road bumps they came together as a family should and got back up.

Pinkie Pie voiced by Andrea Libman

Pinkie did seem to take a backseat in this episode but  again as I've said throughout this review, that was necessary for the story that the episode wanted to tell as the episode was giving us Pinkie's view of the Apple family and from point of view, she thinks they are awesome and loves them.


Huh, I think this is the first song that I've covered during this event.  This song is a lot of fun and shows how strong the bond the Apples have is. Yes, we see it tested after the song but that is perhaps the point of the episode. The Apples say they have a strong bond, the episode is going to test that bond, while they try to prove themselves to Pinkie Pie. Who again, as we see here in this number, she loves The Apples as much as she loves The Cakes. And I use that comparison because in many respects, The Cakes are Pinkie's second family in Ponyville as she lives with them and treats Pound and Pumpkin like her nephew and niece respectively.  Many fan works say that Pinkie is lucky to have two families, The Pies & The Cakes and I'd agree with that 100 percent. I cannot tell you how many stories I've read where Mr. Cake refers to filly Pinkie as his daughter.  I find that take rather touching. And well, after this episode, I'd say that Pinkie has a third family in The Apples.

My Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed this episode and this was perhaps the first AJ episode that I truly loved and I liked how it show that even with all the bumps that the Apples took on the road trip, and in many ways, it very much reminded me of A Goofy Movie, it showed that Pinkie loves The Apples and will consider them family for as long as she lives. Join me next time as we look at...

Pinkie Pride

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