
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Party With Pinkie: Too Many Pinkie Pies

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life and we are picking up the Party With Pinkie retrospective as I look at the Pinkie Pie episodes that have aired thus far and we head to season 3 as we look at an episode that made me a fan of Pinkie Pie in the first place. With that out of the way, let's begin.

Episode Title

The episode title quite simple it refers to the storm of Pinkie Pies that invade Ponyville.

The Plot

For being one of my favorite episodes, the concept is pretty simple.   Pinkie has to realize that she has to choose between her friends but what makes this idea work so well in the world of Equestira is that magic exists and so, the show can do a story like this with a magical touch.  The episode starts off with twilight performing a spell, where she is trying to turn an orange into an apple but is distracted by a surprise hug attack from Pinkie.

Causing Twily to lose focus and turn a frog into a strange orange hybrid.  And then Miss Rarity pops up and we see that she is also doing something fun (at least to Pinkie) as she is making new dresses and this is where we get a first hint of what the episode is going to be about as Pinkie wants to spend time with all of her friends and this is further reinforced, when we see how overwhelmed, she gets when all of her friends are doing fun things and doesn't want to disappoint them.

This episode as we will see does a great job of examining who Pinkie is as a whole as it shows that her being the friendliest pony in Ponyville isn't easy on her as she wants to spend time with all of her friends and doesn't want to let them down because she'll feel bad, if she has to choose what event to do with one friend over one another. Sure,  in the episode it's just presented as Pinkie wanting to have fun with all of her friends but as the episode goes on and the other Pinkies are brought in,  we truly see how much Pinkie cares about her friends as she is truly heartbroken and mad by the decision that she made whereas the Pinkie doppelgangers just want to have...

Fun!  (How long has it been since I've used that image?)   Pinkie discovers that her friends are doing fun things elsewhere such as Rainbow Dash doing something with clouds that looks kinda fun and AJ pulling an apple cart.  Maybe, it's me but that doesn't sound much fun.  The only one that isn't doing anything that fun is Fluttershy.

Pinkie decides that she needs to relax and it's after this that Pinkie's friends invite her all to different fun things and she doesn't know what to do. And she gets nervous and anxious as she wants to spend time with all of her friends.

Sometime after this, we see Twilight practicing the same spell from the beginning of the episode as Pinkie finally gets an idea as to how she can have more fun.

And in the next scene, we see Pinkie go into the Everfree Forest as to find The Mirror as that'll allow her to duplicate herself and she does this in order to spend more time with her friends as she repeats the rhyme that her Nana Pinkie taught her.

And into her own reflection she stared.  Uh, yearning for whose reflection she shared.  And solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared!

And with that, we have the first of the Pinkie duplicates and at first, things seem to be going fine until Fluttershy decides to have an animal picnic and the Pinkie duplicate wants to go to it and gets sidetracked on her way to AJ's barnraising.  

They head back and this is where the trouble starts to begin because after reassuring herself, Pinkie heads back to The Mirror Pool and we now have an army of Pinkies and that's a problem.


As Ponyville becomes invaded with Pinkies running wild through the town.   Such as ruining the barn raising and Dashie's relaxation at the lake.  And the residents of Ponyville want something done about it and we see how this gets to Pinkie as her plan backfired on her.   And now she could possibly lose all of her friends.

Later on, the various residents of Ponyville complain to Twilight Sparkle about the Pinkie hurricane and she finds a spell that can reverse the effects of the Mirror Pool but if she's not careful, she could end up sending the real Pinkie away.  So, Twilight has the rest of the Mane Six gather up the Pinkies and at the suggestion of the Real Pinkie gives them a super hard test that only the real Pinkie could pass.  The test watching paint dry and as we see, the Pinkie duplicates have a hard time and get distracted with moments such as this.

And one by one, the Pinkie duplicates are zapped away until only the real Pinkie is left as she was determined to win.  And after that, her friends invite her to do things but all Pinkie wants to do is rest.

As I said at the top, this is one of my favorite Pinkie episodes as it goes to a great length to show how much he cares about her friends and that she never wants to let them down and here she realizes that having to choose between her friends isn't the same as letting them down.  On the surface, it comes across as her just wanting to have fun with all of her friends and yes, that is part of who Pinkie is but her having fun with her friends is how she best expresses herself and she feels bad, when she can't be with more than one friend at a time.   


Pinkie Pie voiced by Andrea Libman 

I think more than any episode that we have looked at thus far during Party With Pinkie, this is the most character driven episode for Pinkie as having the other Pinkies only be about...

highlights the rest of Pinkie as she is perhaps the most caring pony in Ponyville and out of the Mane Six and when she her planned backfired, she was let down as she only did it to please her friends, while spending more time with them.  

My Final Thoughts

Again, as I said this is one of my favorite Pinkie episodes as it shows that there is more to Pinkie than it appears at first glance.  It is truly good look into who Pinkie is as a character and how she cares about her friends so much.   Join me next time as we head to season 4 as I look at...

Pinkie Apple Pie

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