
Monday, April 18, 2016

Party with Pinkie: Party of One

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life and back to Party with Pinkie as we take on one of Pinkie's more famous episode as it is the debut of her depressed alter ego, Pinkamena Diane Pie.  Compared to last time,  this episode is a bit more lighthearted.  Yeah, I know this is the episode, where Pinkie is depressed but other than that one scene, the subject matter isn't as heavy in this episode.

Episode Title

Party of One

The episode title is twofold as it references the fact that Pinkie loves parties and it's also a reference to parties at a restaurant and party numbers.

The Plot

We open the episode with Pinkie inviting all of her friends via singing telegram to a party for Gummy.

That's when Pinkie decides that next time, she'll just send out invitations.  After the intro, we see everyone enjoying themselves at Pinkie's party. And why wouldn't they? Pinkie throws the best parties in Ponyville.

As the girls leave late at night, Twilight suggests that they should do this again soon and Pinkie thinks that they should do it again soon.  And so the next day, we see Pinkie going to invite all of her friends to Gummy's After-Birthday Party but none of them can make for one reason or another.

Twilight says that she has to study,  AJ has to pick apples, Rarity has to wash her hair. The Poor dear and what she does to her mane.  And Dash and Fluttershy are house-sitting for a bear that has gone to the beach.



So, all of these excuses make Pinkie suspicious. So, she sneaks around Ponyville and follows them around and only gets half the story such as when Twi shows up at Sugrcube Corner or when she follows Rares around to see what is going on and heads to Sweet Apple Acres but AJ won't let her in as she says there is construction going on. After she interrogates Spike to find out what her friends are up to but this goes nowhere and only makes her more depressed.


And all of this leads to Pinkie thinking that her friends don't want her around anymore and they hate her parties and it leads into one of her more infamous moments.

Now, sure this scene is pretty much played for laughs but I touched upon it in my Top 6 Creepiest Moments during the first Nightmare Night event and there and it was my # 1 moment on that list.

When I did my Happy Birthday Pinkie Pie list,  I deliberately left this moment as I felt it was too obvious and also  I didn't want a moment like this one my list as I wanted more happy moments.  This isn't one of those.   This moment in the episode comes after Pinkie thinks that the girls don't want to be her friends anymore and she goes back home to Sugarcube Corner and puts on a party with a rock, bucket of turnips, and lint.  It's weird even for Pinkie. And she starts talking about she doesn't need her friends anymore.  What makes this scene so creepy?    First, that this could happen to Pinkie, the most extroverted pony in all of Ponyville could be led to feel this way.  That's realistic.  This could happen to anyone and  the imagery in this moment too as it takes out as Pinkie's bedroom and splashes of colors.   And the biggest thing is that in this moment,  Pinkie doesn't look like Pinkie here because she isn't Pinkie but rather she reverted back to Pinkamena,  who she was before she discovered her cutie mark.  The biggest difference between the two is the hair,  Pinkie's hair is big poofy and fun whereas Pinkamena's is flat, straight, and dull.   What some people don't get about the hair is that Pinkie's hair will only go flat, when she's really upset and not just upset over any little thing.   It has to be a big deal such as in this case, thinking that her friends abandoned her.  Also,  her eyes are creeping me out here.   That's  just it,  she's NOT Pinkie in this moment.  She snapped

And I still stand by this.  I feel like that right there, perfectly sums up what happens in that scene and why 5 seasons later, it's still one of the creepiest moments from the show. We later see Dash come and get her and she has to break Pinkie out of this mental state and she takes her to Sweet Apple Acres. Where Pinkie thinks they're going for her farewell party but it was actually for her birthday party.  As it was her birthday and she forgot that.  

And the episode ends with Pinkie and her friends celebrating her birthday.  All in all, this was a pretty good episode and a vast improvement over Feeling Pinkie Keen as dang near, got everything right.


Pinkie Pie voiced by Andrea Libman

While this episode did feature all of the Mane Six, I'll only be focusing on Pinkie as we only get her side of the story and so, she serves as an unreliable narrator.  Because through her, we are only getting half of the story and with Pinkie, we don't know what her friends are doing until the end of the episode.  Sure, it's easy to pick up on the clues of what her friends are planning but at the same time, the episode does enough right to make you feel bad for the Pink Party Pony.

My Final Thoughts

While I wouldn't call this one of my favorite Pinkie episodes, I still do enjoy it and does a good job of showing how even the most extroverted of people can have moments, where they're feeling blue and as though the world has shut them out.  Join me next time as we leave season 1 and head into the second season with...

Baby Cakes

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