
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Party with Pinkie: Baby Cakes

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life and we continue our Party with Pinkie as we move on from season one to season two as we look at Baby Cakes. Now as stated prior, we will be looking at only 2 episodes from this season as I have already previously reviewed A Friend In Deed. With that out of the way, let's begin.

Episode Title

Baby Cakes

The episode title refers to the two newest additions of The Cake Family, Pound and Pumpkin.   

The Plot

We open the episode at Ponyville General Hospital....

Uh no, that would be a completely different show altogether.  The Mane Six are in the delivery wing visiting the Cakes as Mrs. Cake had just given birth and she had twins.  A baby Pegasus and a baby Unicorn.

I'll let Mr. Cake explain how this is possible for two Earth Ponies to have children of different races.

Easy. My great-great-great-great grandfather was a unicorn, and Cup Cake's great aunt's second cousin twice removed was a Pegasus. That makes sense, right?

Makes sense to me. We also get lines from Dash, Twilight and Rarity that foreshadow events that will later unfold in the episode.

Rainbow Dash: Aw, yeah! Heh, just you wait! Once little Pound Cake there gets his wings going, he'll be all over the place.
Twilight Sparkle: And be careful around Pumpkin Cake.

Rarity: Baby unicorns get strange magic surges that come and go.

Exposition serving stories well since the dawn of storytelling.  Cut after the intro, we see Pinkie playing with the twins and it has been one month since Pound and Pumpkin were born.

Later, after we see how good The Cakes are at taking care of their babies, we learn that they have a big order that they need to fill but have forgotten about it since Pound and Pumpkin entered their lives.

We then get a montage of The Cakes asking the Mane Six to babysit but they all have various reasons as why they can't. Flutters agreed to go on a picnic with Angel Bunny, Rainbow Dash has tickets to a Wonderbolts show,  Twilight is writing a letter, AJ is worried about worms getting into her apples and Rarity just flat out refuses.  Not out of character for her and yet, I've seen people complain about Rares saying no.  I think for season 2 Rarity, this makes sense as she wasn't as fully developed as she is now and yeah, it might seem a bit vain but Miss Rarity certainly wouldn't want to have to deal with babies. All throughout this montage, Pinkie has been following the Cakes trying to show them that she can take care of the twins.

Out of desperation, they finally agree to let Pinkie watch the twins and we all know how this is going to end. Mrs. Cake goes over the list of responsibilities and she at first seems daunted by it but she wants to prove that she can handle it, so she puts on her best responsible face.


And we now enter into Pinkie doing the babysitting job and as we see, it's a bit of a mess as Pound and Pumpkin start to cry as soon as Mr and Mrs. Cake leave and they are only left with Pinkie. Pinkie tries to use her find Pinkie game from earlier but it does nothing and then, she tries standup comedy, not realizing that babies don't have a grasp on what jokes are.   Though, after a bag of flour falls on the Pink Party Pony, the babies start to laugh and it makes them feel better. It becomes this episode's recurring gag.

We see more hassles from Pinkie as she tries to feed the babies,  and bathe them but things only seem to get more and more out of hand for Poor Pinkie as the babies just seem to constantly cry.


Just after this, Twilight shows up and offer her services and at first Pinkie is able to take it until Twilight says that she knew that Pinkie wouldn't be able to handle the responsibilities and on this, Pinkie sends Twilight out the door as she has several responsibilities to attend to.


This is after a disastrous attempt from Pinkie at diaper changing and well, you see the results up there.  Pinkie decides to get serious with the twins and in the beginning, it seems to be going well.  As the babies are finally listening to her and she is able to get them to take a nap.

But as anyone can figure out, that didn't last long.  Because as Pinkie is about to exit the nursery, Pound Cake starts flying and Pumpkin Cake starts levitating herself and now Pinkie is left to chase them throughout the nursery in the hopes that they'll come back down and that everything will go back to normal.

After chasing the twins all throughout the nursery, Pinkie starts to break down and cry. The babies take notice and do the flour gag to cheer her up and that does the trick.


This actually gets Pinkie to Mare up and take responsibility and when The Cakes return home, they are impressed and ask Pinkie to be their babysitter all the time but at first, she refuses but after hearing the twins say her name, she says that she might available next Tuesday.

If I had to use a word to describe this episode, it would be filler.  Granted, you could perhaps argue that about a lot of the episodes that I've looked thus far but episodes such as the previously reviewed Party of One took a look at a side of Pinkie, we hadn't seen before, Feeling Pinkie Keen for as much as I detest that episode and consider it one of the series' worst introduced us to Pinkie Sense and a future episode that he will be looking at will help in advancing the story of the season.

Is filler bad?  In of itself, no but with this episode I don't find anything particularly noteworthy about it.  It's a situation that we've before in other cartoons and here unlike better episodes of MLP, nothing is done to truly make it stand out.    I would truly say that this episode is at best, average.


Main Character

Pinkie Pie voiced by Andrea Libman

While I did call this episode filler and I'll stand by that, it was important to also see Pinkie in an element that she couldn't solve with just laughter but even then, I do think that the babysitting jokes got a bit repetitive and I could only feel bad for Pinkie so many times before getting tired of the circumstances that the episode was putting her.

Supporting Characters

Pound & Pumpkin Caked voiced by Tabitha St. Germain & Andrea Libman

Pound and Pumpkin are playful, mischievous, prone to tantrums and cry a lot.  So, they are babies and well, that's all they needed to be. They were the set up to the jokes that Pinkie suffered and most of the time, it was funny.

My Final Thoughts

Again, I want to stress that I do not think this is a bad episode.  At best, it's merely okay as there is really nothing too memorable about it.  It's an enjoyable episode to be sure but I think in terms of Pinkie episodes, it's probably one of the more forgettable. Join me next time as we look at...

MMMystery on The Friendship Express

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