
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Party With Pinkie: An Introduction

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life. One of the goals that I have had for Trotting is to do a character retrospective for each of the main 7 characters, yes even Spike. And I've decided to turn my attention to Pinkie Pie for the next retrospective.  However, I will be doing things a bit differently with this one.  You see, we have just completed season 5 and will soon be entering the sixth season. So, taking a page from Linkara's History of Power Rangers, these will  not be released on a routine schedule.  I will look at Pinkie's Mirco comic but I'll be skipping the Friends Forever comics.  So, hold onto your hooves, I'm (hopefully) about to be brilliant.  We will start out by looking at Pinkie's character, we will look at her Voice Actress, First Appearance, Personality, How Pinkie Pie Got Her Cutie Mark, EQG Counterpart, and finally Is Pinkie Pie A Good Character? With that out of the way, let's begin.

Voice Actress

Andrea Libman

Interestingly, my very first character retrospective was also on a character voiced by Andrea Libman. As I covered Best Pony, Fluttershy.  And honestly, the way that Ms. Libman plays Pinkie Pie couldn't be anymore different than how she plays Fluttershy.  Pinkie is more energetic, random and bounce-off-the-wall silly and she does a good job of capturing the silliness of Pinkie and is also able to reel her in for Pinkie's more somber moments.

First Appearance

We first see Pinkie in the pilot episode, when Twilight Sparkle moves to Ponyville.

Meeting Twilight & Spike for the first time and just from the first experience, we get a taste of how over-the-top, she can be and it works, and we later see her again in Golden Oak Library throwing Twilight a party that the bookworm so did not want.

Now, it is fair to assume that Pinkie Pie is  a bit abrasive.  She means well but in the early episodes and most of season 4, which ruined her character for a good while, Pinkie would overstep her boundaries.  There was never any ill intent on the part of Ms. Pie  but Pinkie being who she is, had a hard time understanding what others wanted and how they sometimes needed space.


I'd say that out of all the Mane Six that Pinkie Pie has the hardest personality to pin down. But if we go by The Art of Equestira by Mary Jane Begin, Pinkie is described as such...

Pinkie Pie is all about breaking with convention. She's sweet, happy, and outrageous, and she talks at the speed of lighting.

I think this sums up Pinkie in a nutshell rather well because out of the Mane Six, Pinkie is meant to be the comic relief character.  But it's also important to keep in mind that Pinkie is very friendly and outgoing and perhaps the biggest extrovert in the group of her friends as she doesn't know anyone that isn't her friend. Well except maybe Cranky Doodle Donkey but that changes by the end of the episode but also shows that Pinkie always means well and while she may not always say the right thing, she never intends to hurt her friends but as stated before, there are those times such as perhaps her worst portrayal...

Filli Vanilli

That was totally unbelievable! I mean, the curtain came up and there you were, singing in front of everypony! And you know, I don't think anypony was jealous, 'cause there certainly wasn't an angry mob! But it must have been horrible standing there on stage, all eyes glued directly on you! It's like you were living your own personal worst nightmare!

This moment soured me on Pinkie for a while because again, I feel that while she meant no ill will towards Flutters, this is a moment where the Pink Party Pony placed her hoof squarely in her mouth. Which this is one of Pinkie's more negative traits as she sometimes speaks before she thinks.  Now, if it appears that I am being harder on Pinkie Pie than I was Rarity or Fluttershy, please do keep in mind that those two are my two favorite characters of MLP and with Pinkie, I think her flaws are a bit more noticeable but I still do enjoy her for the silly heartwarming earth pony that she is. Having said that, I feel as though I would be doing this retrospective a disservice if I didn't look at some of Pinkie's lesser qualities.

How Pinkie Pie Got Her Cutie Mark

...And that's how Equestira was made. Oh right, you want to hear about how Pinkie got her Cutie Mark.  Well, let's just grab Pinkie and travel back a little bit.

Hey, any chance I get to use this image of Pinkie dressed as Marty McFly, I'm taking it.  So, here we go.

So as you can see from this video, Pinkie got her cutie mark after seeing the rainbow from Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom and brought her so much joy that she wanted to share the joy with others but didn't know how. That is until she figured out that there her path is to make others happy. Many people mistake Pinkie's cutie mark to mean that she is a good party planner. And yes, that is part of it but her parties represent more than just her being an expert party planner as they show the happiness and joy that she brings to other ponies.  I actually think it's one of the more subtle Cutie Mark representations as it isn't so on the nose. Of course, my mom thought it meant that Pinkie was a balloon artist and well, we've seen Pinkie do some cool stuff with balloons but that isn't exactly just.

EQG Counterpart

With Pinkie's Equestira Girls counterpart, there really isn't much to speak of as she is the same silly/fun loving character that can break the fourth wall and say things that may seem absurd but hold a nugget of truth to them.  So, it works.

Is Pinkie Pie A Good Character?

Before I answer this question, I need to do something.

There, that's better. Something was missing.  Now in terms of the question posed, I think for the most part that yes, Pinkie Pie is a good character. When I first got into the show, she was my second favorite character but as time went on, I came to like Rarity more.  I didn't really hate Pinkie in that time. I really only started to dislike what was being done to her in season 4 but she won me back over last season and reminded me why she is such a fun character.  Pinkie Pie as a character is a bit of an acquired taste, not everyone will enjoy her zany antics but when handled right, Pinkie can be a hoot  and one of the funniest characters currently on TV.  So, while I may have had my falling out period with the Pink Party Pony, I've come back to her side.   So in the end, I do think that Pinkie Pie is a good character.  Join me next time as we get this ball rolling as I look at...

Griffon The Brush Off

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