
Friday, September 13, 2013


Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life.  Today, we continue our look at my favorite Non-Mane characters. Today, with my favorite filly, Scootaloo.  Just as a reminder, this'll include First Appearance,  Personality, Favorite Moment and then I'll end it with Why I Like This Character.

First Appearance

Now if you want to be technical, her first appearance was seeing her cower with the other Cutie Mark Crusaders at the sight of Nightmare Moon.  Which is odd and we will get to why in a bit.

The CMC has no speaking lines here and according to show chronology did not know each other yet as  Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle did not become friends until the end of the episode Call of The Cutie, where they stand up for Apple Bloom against Diamond Tiara (DIE!!!!!!)  by revealing that too are blank flanks and thus the Cutie Mark Crusaders are born.


Scootaloo is a bit of a tomboy, she doesn't namby-pamby  things.  What does she have against  namby-pamby?  I mean seriously.   Moving on as I was saying, she is tough, outgoing and sporty.  With the CMC, she is a bit of a leader as she is the one that usually comes up with all the crazy ideas, that these silly fillies try. And the other one, which is part of the reason, why I was drawn to the character is that she is a fangirl, specifically of a certain cyan pegasus aka Rainbow Dash.  She is the founder of the Rainbow Dash fanclub after all.   Why does she idolize Dash?   Hmm well, that's tough to say but I just view it as it is something kids do in real life and latch on to someone that they think is awesome and Dash would agree with Scoots on here with that.  Even though I think Scootaloo is cooler then Rainbow Dash.  She looks up to Dash as an idol and a mentor and as we see in season 3's Sleepless In Ponyville,  she wants Dash to be like a big sister to her.   It's never been revealed how Scoots became such a big fan of Rainbow Dash but that's okay. We just know that she thinks Rainbow Dash is the coolest pony in all of Equestira.

Favorite Moment

You recall how I mentioned that she wants Rainbow Dash to be like a big sister to her.  Well, my favorite moment comes from the episode, Sleepless In Ponyville, in which Scoots along with her two best friends along with their sisters,  Rarity and Applejack go on a camping trip.  Rainbow starts telling ghost stories that cause Scootaloo to have nightmares.  After being confronted to face her fears by Princess Luna, who we find can walk in ponies' dreams tells her that and it's not the things in her nightmares that are scaring her but rather that if she admitted it to Rainbow Dash, Dash wouldn't think that Scoots is as awesome.  Scootaloo after some sleep movements and being rescued by Dash admits her fears and wanting to be Rainbow Dash's little sister to her and Rainbow takes her under her wing and sisterly hug.

The sisterly hug is my favorite moment because Scoots is getting something that she had wanted for a long time and it is so nice to see that her hero is so accepting of her.  Season 4, better give me some good sisterly moments between the two. I mean, even Equestira Girls remembered to give these two, a sisterly moment.

Why Do I Like This Character

As for why I like Scootaloo, that's simple.  It's the relationship with Rainbow Dash in how she idolizes someone so much that she wants to have them a big sister to her.  To me, that is just so adorable and to me, they are the best sisters on the show and with them doing an episode about Scootaloo's flying because as we've seen throughout the show, Scoots has not flown yet and this does NOT count...

That is fluttering at best.  With Dash being the best flyer in all of Equestira,  I would hope that she plays a big role in helping Scootaloo build up her flying confidence.   So, all in all this is why I like Scootaloo. She's tough but at the end of the day, she is still a kid and feels like a real kid like all of the CMC. Join me  tomorrow as I close this out by looking at...

The Great and Powerful Trixie

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