
Friday, May 10, 2013

Questions For Magic Dust # 2: Questions For Mother's Day

Oh,  uh Hi.    I didn't expect to be back so soon for another one of these.  But I don't mind taking some questions.   Just have it quick as I need to pick up a bouquet for my mom for mother's day.   Yes,  we celebrate Mother's Day here in Equestira as well.

What's Your Mom Like?

She's the sweetest, most kindhearted mare I know.   She is very supportive and always there for me.   She picks me up, when I'm down and lets me know, when I've done wrong.  Such as trying to use my magic to hide myself when I got in trouble and didn't want to face her.   Yeah, wasn't the best idea but to be fair, I was only a little colt of seven. And how was I supposed to know that cake, she made was for Shining Armor.  Other,  then the fact, it had the insignia of the Royal Guard and said.


Okay, so I'm not helping my case here but it was chocolate cake.  Your just tempting a little colt with putting that in front of them.   Still other then that,  most of my memories of my mom are good memories.

Does Your Mother Have Any Siblings? 

Yes, my Auntie Velvet.   

Now,  I'm not supposed to tell anypony this secret but seeing as your not ponies,  I figure this might be okay.  Auntie Velvet is an author and not just any author.   The author of the coolest book series in all of Equestira and even so called cool kids that think reading is for eggheads,  like this series.   What is it?  Well it's....

Daring Do

No one outside the family knows this.   Man, I've been wanting to tell this to Rainbow Dash each time, I go visit Ponyville and I thought about doing it once or twice but Twilight gave me something called The Stare that she learned from Fluttershy.   I don't know what happened but after that, I didn't have any intentions of telling Dash.   

Have You Met Any of The Mom's of Twilight's Friends?

Seriously, a Twilight Sparkle question. Geese!  Well,  from what I gather Fluttershy doesn't like talking about her parents for some reason.   Same with Applejack but from what I can gather from Applejack, her ma & pa passed away, when she was just a little filly.  Rainbow Dash from what I understand was raised by a single dad.  Rarity's mother could not be any more different from here but from what I've seen of their time with Sweetie Belle she's nice. Need to write to Colt to get tickets for Sweetie to his next concert and show her what real music is like.  Pinkie, well her mom still lives with the Pie family on the rock farm but from what she's told me,  she considers Mrs. Cake to be something of a second mother. And that's not surprising considering The Cakes have known Pinkie since she was a little filly about the age of Applebloom.

Does Anyone Know Anything About Celestia and Luna's Mom?

Y'know, that's odd but they've been around for 1000 years and rarely, has anything ever been written about their parents.   Some believe, they didn't have parents and were just created out of thin air.  Though,  I've heard rumors and have seen pictures of an alicorn that could've been their mother. I think she was called Faust.  Why there are plenty of pictures of the princesses with this alicorn.  Such as Faust showing a young Celestia, her new baby sister.

Do You Think Princess Cadance Will Have Kids?

Yeah, not my place to answer that kind of question.  It just seems rude to me that you would even ask that.  I mean, it'd be great, if she did because I imagine Twilight would offer to babysit and wouldn't have the easiest time handling a royal baby. I wonder if it'd be an alicorn baby though.  Anything's possible.   And as jealous as I am of my cousin's success, she'd probably make a good mom. Because she is very responsible and very mature. And through talking with her, she's told me, that if she has a daughter, she wants to name it, Nyx.  Which is very pretty.   

Well,  I think this is enough for today.  Make sure to wish your moms, a Happy Mother's Day. Bye!    


  1. You should've interview Pearl (Rarity's Mother) instead.
