
Friday, May 10, 2013

A Friend In Deed

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life.  Y'know, what I haven't done yet and I find odd, an episode review.   Seems odd, considering how many times I've watched every episode except for unbearable Owl's Well That Ends Well and the forgettable Mare Do Well.   But I'm not here to talk about  A Friend In Deed, which used to be my favorite Pinkie episode. But the more I think about it,  it's a mixed bag to be sure.  Is it a bad episode? No but I see myself switching sides, the more I watch this episode.

Episode Title

A Friend In Deed

The title isn't that bad as it a reference to how Pinkie is friends with everyone in Ponyville.  Nothing more, nothing less.


This is where the issue starts.  Admittedly,  it's not a bad story but  and it has been done in many kid's shows before.  The story of the episode is that a new donkey named Cranky has moved to Ponyville.   And Pinkie being Pinkie was not necessarily a good thing as it sometimes went overboard in this episode.   Let me explain,  I get that Pinkie wanted to make a friend but it almost seemed as though that she couldn't take the hint that Cranky Doodle wanted to be left alone.   Sorry for being so vague but if your reading this, you've seen the episode.   Her antics while normally cute can sometimes rub a pony the wrong way and this episode shows that.  Don't get me wrong, I love Pinkie.  She's one of my favorites but...   as much as I want her to make friends as that is awesome and I'm all for that.  At points,  I think she should've just left Cranky alone.   Now on the same token, one could argue that Cranky could've been more receptive but Pinkie to be fair was kinda in his face about it.  Let me put it this way, Pinkie can be viewed as the annoying little kid trying to get the old man to open a la Dennis The Menace and Mr. Wilson.  Now I know  that Pinkie isn't a little kid but that is just an analogy and really, this is just my theory but I believe that Pinkie is the youngest  of the Mane Six and also the most immature of the group. And that really came through in this episode.  Now, that's not to say, it's a bad thing but at times, I felt bad for Cranky because Pinkie was driving him up the wall. Now, that's not to say that Pinkie didn't learn her lesson as not all friends want to have fun and some just want peace and quiet but I don't know,  the magic of this episode that was once there is now gone because the more I watch this episode,  Pinkie isn't her lovable silly self but someone, I just want to tell leave the old man alone.


Now, there are really only three characters to go over for this review. So, let's get this over with.

Pinkie Pie voiced by Andrea Libman

I love Pinkie, I really do and most of her episodes are some of my favorites such as Baby Cakes, MMMysterry on The Friendship Express, and Too Many Pinkie Pies as the best but this one.  I used to love it but Pinkie is almost too Pinkie in this episode, if that makes sense.   I get that she is zany and crazy and that is what I love about Pinkie but it wasn't almost too much here.  I wish that Pinkie had been reeled in and dialed down some in some aspects of this episode.   I don't know,  I just think that it would've made the story if Pinkie's moment of realization that Cranky would never ever ever ever ever be her friend wasn't followed by Pinkie chasing Cranky down to apologize.  Am I watching MLP or a Looney Tunes short. (I know that MLP took inspiration from the latter but that's not the point).   Oh well, I still love Pinkie all the same and I have her other episodes to keep me company. Now don't get me wrong, I know I put a moment from this episode on my Top 12 Moments list and I still like that moment because it was funny but the rest of this episode. Heh!

Cranky Doodle Donkey  voiced by Richard Newman

Look,  as much as I defended Cranky up to,  he does live up to his name.   As much Pinkie wasn't getting the hint. He wasn't very open to Pinkie either and could've tried in  a calmer way to tell her.  Well, he did and his aggravation is very understandable.  I imagine after the first night, he needed a glass of  hard cider.    He did eventually come around, when he was reunited his old love Matilda. As we found out, that he had been travelling all of Equestira looking for her. And he did finally soften up in that regard.  So, that was nice.

Matilda - Voice Unlisted

Matilda is a sweet character and the montage of her night with Cranky was very touching and getting to see these two old flames reunite was sweet. Thanks in large to Pinkie.  Other then that, there isn't that much to say about Matilda.  Doubt, we will be seeing her again. Same with Cranky, although the latter got a mention in that Crystal Heart book, I reviewed.


Smile Smile Smile

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this song.  My second favorite song from the show.  It always gets me to smile smile smile.  How could you not love this song?  It's just so upbeat and happy.   Y'know,  I think my love of this episode may have come from this song.   And not actually looking at the story.    This seems to be a case of great song, okay episode unlike some other episodes and songs such as At The Gala from Best Night Ever, great song/great episode or Art of The Dress from Suited For Success.  Great song and fantastic episode.

Cranky Doodle Donkey

And this is where the trouble started.   Don't get me wrong, Pinkie meant well but.... let's just leave it at that.

Welcome Song

This is cute and fits Pinkie quite well.  The music so far seems to be the highlight of this episode.

Cranky Doodle Joy

Admittedly, this is cute and the ending was a nice touch.   And maybe I'm being a little hard on Pinkie but I honestly don't think this episode was her best moment.  Shame, really!

My Final Thoughts

I just don't know what happened.  This used to be my all time favorite Pinkie Pie episode but upon repeat viewings, it has not held up very well.  And the irony is my least favorite Pinkie episode is now my favorite.   There are thing about this episode that I like to be sure but it just isn't as good as the first time, I watched it.

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