
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Trotting Through The Snow: Top 6 Songs From It's A Pony Kind of Christmas

Ah, with Pinkie's party now behind us, we come to one of my favorite times of year as we celebrate Hearth's Warming as Trotting Through Life becomes Trotting Through The Snow. And this year, we begin by visiting something that I looked at last year, the Christmas album, It's A Pony Kind of Christmas and today, I will be counting my Top 6 songs from Pony Kind of Christmas. Now for those curious, a new version of the album was released this year that has all the songs from A Hearth's Warming Tail but those songs have been excluded from this list based on the fact that they didn't appear on the original album.  Now before we start, I do have one honorable mention.  

Honorable Mention

It's A Pony Kind of Christmas 

Our honorable mention is the titular song from the album as this song is the opener and while I do understand Les' complaint from last year about ponies singing Christmas songs being a bit weird, I do like this number as it does a great job of getting you read for the songs that are to come.  It's a very sweet number that lets all of the girls shine wonderfully. Now, onto the actual list.

6. Jingle Bells - Rainbow Dash

We get this list started with Rainbow Dash and her rockin' take on Jingle Bells.  Now, one thing I should mention is that Daniel Ingram rewrote a lot of Christmas songs to fit the personalities of the Mane Six and that is perfectly encapsulated here and honestly, this may be my favorite take on Jingle Bells as Dash adds a lot of new life to the number after hearing the stock and standard version for so many years.  I love how you can hear the joy and enthusiasm in Dashie as she sings.   It gets you pumped for the holidays.  

5. 12 Days of Christmas - Pinkie Pie 


I know a lot of people don't like the classic version of this song and I get that as it's annoying and it goes back to what I said before, you need to bring new life to these songs and who better, who give this song to than the pony that I spent all year celebrating.  She really carries the song well and she is just so infectious as she sings.  You can't help but have a smile on your face as Pinkie sings of the silly gifts that her friends got her. Though, they do fit her personality. Only nitpick, that I have is that maybe I'm mishearing the singer but that doesn't sound like Shannon Chan-Kent 

4. Jolly Ol St. Nick - Spike

While A Changeling Can Change was Spike's first song in the show, this was Spike's first song period. And well, outta the two songs that the little dragon has had, I like this one more. Changeling Can Change wasn't a bad song but I think it just missed the mark a bit whereas the jazzy feel as this song really fits Spike's personality and again like good songs, you get caught up and swept up with Spike as he sings wondering Santa will bring him.  That does make me wonder what Spike and Twily's first Hearth's Warming together was like.  

3.  We Wish You A Merry Christmas - Twilight Sparkle 

In terms of the songs being reworked for the character that's singing, this is the best example as we hear the Princess of Friendship sing as she goes about trying to make sure that her friends have a perfect Christmas.  You hear the love and joy in my new third best pony but there's still a small hint of frantic pacing as Twilight wants to get through Christmas and Rebecca Shoichet (better known as the voice of Sunset Shimmer) really sells the love that Twilight has for her friends as she wishes everyone a Merry Christmas.

2.  Silent Night - Fluttershy


Fluttershy's sing only at # 2, shocking I know.  Silent Night is a song that I feel often gets overlooked and I know that I brought this up before but some people had an issue with the religious aspects being removed and I do get that to an extent but you have to understand the type of audience in today's market and in my opinion, the heart and soul of the original song still feels intact as Flutters sings this beautiful lullaby and it is indeed Andrea Libman singing and Ms. Libman sends goosebumps up my spines with this song. Words simply cannot do it justice. You just have to listen to it yourself.

1. Days Gone By (Auld Lang Syne)  - Applejack, Applebloom, & Granny Smith

Can AJ just sing and not talk?  Seriously, I like Applejack more when she sings.  I've made it no secret that Applejack is my least favorite of the Mane Six but she has been growing on me over the past 2 years and his song was actually the start of that.  It's weird but I'm normally not a fan of AJ but when she sings, her songs are usually some of the best.   All I can think of with this song is the departed loved ones that I have lost over the years and the holidays that I haven't got to spend with them but know that they are always with me in spirit and I think that's why AJ sings this song as it's a reflection of her family.   Also, I didn't know this last year but this song is actually based on a Scottish poem that is normally read/sung around New Year's.  That's neat and all but I'm not sure that I want to track down the original as I love Applejack's version so much.  AJ's  take on this song is perhaps the most heartfelt and emotional number from the album and while I don't tear up listening to it, it fills me with  wonderful memories of the ones that I love.  

There you have it, my Top 6 Songs from It's A Pony Kind of Christmas.  What was your favorite song from the list.  Let me know in the comments.  And join me next time as I look at the ...

My Little Pony 2015 Holiday Special 

(And yes, I know about Linkara reviewing it)   

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