
Monday, October 5, 2015

Trotting Towards Nightmare Night: Villains Profile: Nightmare Rarity

Hello & welcome back to the Nightmare Moon celebration here on Trotting Towards Nightmare Night.  Earlier, this year I did the Rarity Retrospective looking at all the episodes from season 1 - 4 starring my second favorite pony along with some of her comic book appearances.  But there was something that I left out as I felt it was more fitting for this time of year. Join me as we look at the second arc from IDW's My Little Pony line as we see what happens, when one of the Mane Six become Nightmare Moon as we take a look at the Nightmare Rarity arc. Starting with a Villains Profile on Nightmare Rarity.  Now things are going to look at a little differently as we are looking at an established character. We'll still be looking at First Appearance but seeing as we've already met Rarity on the show, this will only refer to Nightmare Rarity. And before we can dive into the usual categories such as Personality, Lackeys Grand Desire, Most Evil Deed, Demise, and the answer to the all important question, Is Nightmare Rarity A Good Villain?  There is one other category that must examined, the Why of Rarity becoming the second Nightmare Moon. With that outta the way, let's begin.

First Appearance

Rarity makes her debut as Nightmare Rarity on the last page of the sixth issue of IDW's My Little Pony comic.

Rarity's part of this comic deals with the Nightmare Forces convincing Rarity to become their new queen.  They play into a nightmare that Rarity had earlier that effected her psyche saying that her friends will forget her once someone nicer and with a bit less attitude comes along.  Rarity puts up a valiant effort resisting giving into what the Nightmare Forces are saying.  Thinking that her friends would never forget her but the Nightmare Forces use this  against her as they tell her that if she stays with them, her kindness would never be forgotten.  Hmm, that makes me wonder why they didn't use Fluttershy instead (Well, I do know the answer but we will hold off on answering that for now).  And it as this point that Rarity gives in and allows herself to become the second Nightmare Moon as we see her engulfed in black clouds.  Now, it's interesting to see what the Nightmare Forces are doing to Rarity.  They're using her need to help others against her. Sure, this doesn't always come through in the show but it is a key aspect of her character.   And also,  I believe that Rarity gave in as she was stuck on the moon with these creatures that to us the reader that don't intimidating but they just kidnapped Rarity and took away from her home. So, she's scared and when people  err ponies is placed in a tense situation, they can be broken down  and that is we see with Rarity.  And while Miss Rarity is indeed a strong character and has a lot of will.  But again, some ponies when scared, let their guard down  and I feel that's what happened with Rarity here. This doesn't make me think any less of her because I completely understand her situation.  I think the trolls from Frozen can sum up what was happening with Rarity here.

People make bad choices if they're mad or scared or stressed

But you also have to take into consideration that the Nightmare Forces really weren't giving Rarity an out.  They were going to find a way to make her the second Nightmare Moon, no matter what it took. And I'll admit that the first time, I saw Nightmare Rarity, I was both intrigued and disheartened.  Intrigued to see what the IDW team could do now that one the Mane Six was Nightmare Moon and disheartened to see one of the Mane Six (not mention, one of my favorite characters) become Nightmare Moon.


This is perhaps the one thing that bugs me with Nightmare Rarity as according to this comic, Nightmare Moon isn't born out of a pony's emotions such as spite and jealously with Luna but is rather something akin to the Symbiote from Spider-Man.     Nightmare Moon does go over why she chose Rarity, when asked by one her Nightmare Forces, she chose her.

 Shadowfright (Larry):  Supreme One, may I ask why you chose this pony in particular?  That yellow one seemed like an, um, easier option.

Nightmare Moon/Nightmare Rarity:  Oh my dear Larry. Dear simple, unamusing Larry. I picked this pony vessel for a reason-- to render the Elements of Harmony powerless!

Jerome:  It was her mane, right? That pony Rarity had great hair.

Nightmare Moon/Nightmare Rarity:  I chose Rarity specifically. She had, shall we say, self-esteem issues?

Jerome: Don't we all?

Nightmare Moon/Nightmare Rarity:  I needed a being that was... pliable. Rarity was so eager to help. So generous with her gifts, but she had a deep dark secret. I was sure she would cave.

Shadowfright (Larry): She was a bit stronger than we had hoped.

Nightmare Moon/Nightmare Rarity: Well, sometimes a little force is necessary 

This is perhaps my biggest issue with this arc as it seems to go against everything that we learned of Nightmare Moon from the show. Which granted wasn't very much but the show presented it as Luna's jealously, anger and spite consuming her.  Whereas here,  Nightmare Moon is presented as a sentient symbiote like being that needs a host to function. Which in turn means that anyone can be Nightmare Moon, which while an interesting thought does somewhat take away from the fact that Rarity is serving as the host for Nightmare Moon.

I think what would've worked better is if  the arc had kept the idea of Rarity feeling shunned and as though her friends were forgetting about her and using that to have her become Nightmare Moon without the aid of Nightmare Forces could've worked better.  The Nightmare Forces aren't bad but their inclusion really lessens the impact of one becoming Nightmare Moon.  As we explored with Luna, an important aspect of her becoming Nightmare Moon was us feeling sympathy for her as the transformation happened.  This arc does try to build sympathy for Rarity as she becomes Nightmare Rarity. Now, sympathy  is already partly built in with the audience as we know Rarity and have some of  have grown fond of the fashionista.  Especially ones like me that are Rarity fans.  And while I do feel bad, when Rarity becomes Nightmare Rarity and I'm scared for her as the decision is forced upon her.   But at the same time,  I think there could've been more weight given to the situation of it were just Rarity on her own becoming Nightmare Rarity.  I understand that the show and comics are aimed at a young audience.  But the IDW comics aren't afraid to tackle darker story-lines than that of the show. And this arc does take steps in setting up a darker path that could be taken but it doesn't fully commit itself to this idea.


Going by the Villains Wiki and what is presented in this arc,   it is clear that Nightmare Moon has taken over and that Rarity is just nothing more than a skin for her to wear.  She is very cruel , somewhat sadistic and enjoys toying with her enemies. Which is seen when she creates a warped  scene using Spike's crush on Rarity against him.  Though perhaps the biggest attribute  applied to Nightmare Rarity is that she's really vain.  And sure Rarity has been accused of being vain in the past but it is truly amped up here.  The only part of Rarity that is truly left intact is Rarity's love of fashion.  Now, we do see later in the arc, that Rarity tries to fight and break through Nightmare Moon's hold.  The rest of the Mane Six do try and help her.  And it takes some work to get through to Rarity.


Now, we've already mentioned Nightmare Rarity's Nightmare Forces but there are two in particular that we need to focus on.

Shadowfright & Jerome

Now, we have already met Shadowfright aka Larry before.   He was the Nyx that scolded Doran in the Nightmare Moon comic.

Which considering how long ago, Nightmare Moon's arrival took place, we can see how this time as a Nightmare Force has truly corrupted him and made him devious and a willing subject to Nightmare Moon.  Out of the two, Shadwofright is presented as the the evil smart one.     Whereas Jerome is shown to be  nothing more than the mere idiot. Now, at the end of the arc, they're redeemed and reverted back to the way, they were before.

Grand Desire

This wasn't easy to figure out, if I'm to be honest.  But it seems to be that she wished to reinstill the fear of Nightmare Moon in the citizens of Equestira.  And Nightmare Moon realized that by breaking up the Mane Six, that this could make her task somewhat easier.   

Most Evil Deed

I'd have to say that Nightmare Rarity trying to use Spike's crush on Rarity and offering him a spot as her king. Thankfully, the little dragon was able to see through this and realize that he wasn't dealing with the real Rarity.


It takes quite a bit for Rarity's friends to break her free from the hold of Nightmare Moon.   They even need the help of Luna.   After Luna uses the elements' light magic to purge the Nightmare Forces of their dark magic and that reforms them.   She then showers it on Nightmare Rarity as she is covered in Dark Magic.  But Rarity doesn't have enough faith in herself that she can break free.  Thus making Nightmare Moon's hold to powerful.  Then the rest of the Mane Six  think of the things that they love about Rarity and the love that they hold for their friend breaks her free from the hold of Nightmare Moon as Rarity reunites with her friends in tears.

I like this ending here and I like how they are able to get Rarity free of Nightmare Moon's hold. It's a touching finale for the fashionista.   And a reminder for her that her friends will always love her and she will never be forgotten.

Is Nightmare Rarity A Good Villain? 

I think that I like the concept of Nightmare Rarity more than the execution. It's an interesting idea to see what happens when one of the Mane Six becomes Nightmare Moon.  As Rarity was never really in control here as Nightmare Moon and I find that a bit disappointing.  I' would have rather seen what would've happened if Rarity became Nightmare Moon without the push from the Nightmare Forces.  But having said all of that, I still do like Nightmare Rarity quite a bit.   Just not as much as I use to. Join me next time as we look at the first two issues of the Nightmare Rarity arc.  

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