
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Trotting Towards Nightmare Night: Top 6 Villains That Aren't Discord

Hello & welcome to Trotting Towards Nightmare Night.  Trotting Through Life's first ever Nightmare Night event.  And to kick off, we are going to countdown my Top 6 favorite villains from MLP that aren't Discord. Why am I not including Discord.  Because, everyone would pick Discord for this type of list.   With that out of the way, let's begin.

6.  The Great and Powerful Trixie - Magic Duel

Why am I not including Boast Busters in this list?  Two reasons,  this was my introduction to The Great and Powerful and AWESOME Trixie and also,  in Boast Busters, she wasn't that threatening but when she came back in Magic Duel, she turned it up to 12.  She was out for revenge and with the aid of the Alicorn Amulet, she got it.  I mean, she was able to banish Twilight from Ponyville and it take it over an entire city as well.  Really, the only thing that brings her down in the end is her redemption but she isn't the only baddie to fall short because of that and plus her obnoxious "All About Me" ego and talking in third person is done perfectly so well.  This episode is the reason, Trixie is my favorite baddie.  Now, you may be wondering, if Trixie is my favorite. Why is she only at # 6?  Well, because there are other MLP baddies that are more powerful?

5. King Sombra - The Crystal Empire

Here's a villain that I feel is a bit under-appreciated, which I can understand as fans have complained, we don't know much about him and what led to become the malevolent ruler of The Crystal Empire that he became.  In my opinion, not every villain needs a back story and Sombra was threatening enough in my opinion that he stood well without one.   I mean, he was able to take over all of The Crystal Empire and drain the Crystal ponies of all their love.  Just look, what he did to them.


And he plotted his revenge and his return by having a door hidden in his palace, which would show ponies their worst  fears (more on that next week).   Also,   one thing I love about Sombra is that, he doesn't regain his true unicorn until the later part of the two parter.  He starts off as just a shadow and over the episode,  it feels as though, he is truly regaining his true evil form.

By the way, here's his shadow form.

Y'know the more, I look at it.  Sombra is basically a dictator.   I mean, he successfully took over The Crystal Empire with ease.   And also, he's the only villain to die on MLP. Megan McCarthy confirmed this on Twitter.     

4.  Sunset Shimmer - Equestira Girls

Easily, my favorite thing about EQG was Sunset Shimmer.  Was she a lot like Trixie? Yeah, she was.   And as soon as I saw her in the trailer, I knew she would be on this list.   For some info, Sunset Shimmer was once Princess Celestia's student.  Not long before Twilight Sparkle but she was more hard edged and when she saw the portal in the castle, it piqued her curiosity and wanted to learn more about it, but Celestia forbade her.  Sunset Shimmer was banished to the human world, where in Canterlot High, she ruled the school as the queen bee and at the start of the film, she steals the Element of Magic.  But when she tries to use it,  she turns into this...

Having said all of that, she worked well in the film's setting and she was one that ruled with an iron fist.   Yeah,  she was your typical bully, who just happened to be from another world of ponies but what made her stand out for me was the fact, that she was fun.  And the more, you think about it, she is the anti Twilight Sparkle.   I mean that is pretty much captured when she puts on the Element of Magic and it turns her into a demon.   And also,  you have to give her credit as she is the one that broke up the human equivalent of the mane six. I know some fans, don't like her but she to me is awesome.

3.  Nightmare Moon - Friendship Is Magic 

Here, we go!  The very first villain that the Mane 6 ever faced.  Princess Luna's form that took over because of the jealously that she felt for ponies loving her sister's sun but not her night.  Now if you go by the IDW comics, in the second story arc, Nightmare Moon was forced upon   Luna as an entity that fed off her jealously.  And what makes Nightmare Moon work.  Well, there are quite a few factors.  First off her voice, which is loud and in the Royal Canterlot voice.  She carries herself as though, she is above everyone else.  And do I need even mention her plan of sending Equestira into Eternal Night?   That  is just creepy!  And also, we may be getting her origin in season 4.

2.  Nightmare Rarity -  The Nightmare Rarity Arc

Okay, if you haven't checked out the comic books, do it!   Especially the Nightmare Rarity arc.   Most of you should be able to figure out who this is.  It's Rarity but the catch, she's Nightmare Moon.   You see in the second arc of the comic books,  all of the ponies were having nightmares that were connected.  So along with Princess Luna, they had to travel to the moon, where  they have to face these shadow demons.  Whom use Rarity and feed off her insecurity of her friends finding someone more generous then she is as this reflected in her nightmare. Which included a pony version of Mabel from Gravity Falls.  So, they use that and Nightmare Rarity is born.   Now as you'll remember what I said up top,  how Nightmare Moon is basically a leech  looking for a host body.  Well,  for those of you that may be wondering why she didn't choose Luna again.  She went with Rarity because she knew Rarity was weak (WRONG!),   and also knew that she if took one of The Elements of Harmony, they elements couldn't be used to stop her.   At one point, she  even tries to use Spike's love for Rarity against him but it doesn't work.  So, you may be wondering why am I ranking Nightmare Rarity higher then some of the other villains.   Well to me, this is an interesting concept. Lauren Faust once stated that anyone can become Nightmare Moon and here we see that, yes, it is just Nightmare Moon using Rarity's body to host her but Rarity lets her take over because of her fears of her friends leaving her.   I actually kinda think that Nightmare Rarity works better then Nightmare Moon (Princess Luna).  For the sole fact that unlike Luna, when she first appeared as Nightmare Moon, we really didn't know much about her whereas with Rarity, the Mane 6 and the audience had had time to build and develop relationships with Rarity over the course of the show.   Well, okay that isn't exactly true seeing as the show did a decent job setting up what happened between the two sisters but we at the time did not know that Luna and Nightmare Moon were one in the same.  So here, we had a character that we all knew becoming the next Nightmare Moon.   That to me is a bit more tragic.

1.  Queen Chrysalis  - A Canterlot Wedding/The Return of Queen Chrysalis Arc


Y'know it's funny but I thought long and hard about who I wanted to be my # 1.  The more, I thought about it though, Chrysalis was the perfect candidate for # 1.  Let's start with A Canterlot Wedding, she was able to successfully disguise herself as Princess Cadance and fool most everypony into thinking that she was the real princess.  She was able to invade all of Canterlot with the aid of her Changeling army.   And not to forget, she took out Celestia in one swoop.   Sure, the only flaw with her plan was she should've tried to act more like Cadance but I think she was pretty successful for the most part.   This episode wasn't her only appearance as she was the main villain in the first arc of the comic book.  She was out for revenge against Twilight Sparkle, this time  she had Changelings impersonate all of Ponyville with the citizens of the town trapped in hives save for the Mane 6.  The Mane 6 saved all of them and with a comet that strengthens all magical beings, she wants to use it to drain Twilight of her magic.  That is until she sees how destructive, Twilight's magic and wants to take her in as a student.  Of course, Twilight had a choice agree to this and she'd let her friends go.  Twilight didn't agree to this of course.   She was much more cold hearted in the comics as things got a little darker but it most certainly a great read and those first 4 issues along with A Canterlot Wedding are to me, why she is the best MLP has to offer.

And there you have it, my Top 6 Villains.  I hope that you've enjoyed this list. Join me next week as I'll be counting down the Top 6 Creepiest Moments of MLP.

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