
Friday, May 3, 2013

Top 6 Pinkie Pie Moments (Happy Birthday Pinkie Pie)

Hello & welcome back to Trotting Through Life.   May 3rd was a very special day for one of my favorite ponies as it was her birthday but how do you celebrate a birthday for Equestira's greatest party planner.  Can't throw her a party because no one can top a Pinkie Pie Party! So instead,  I'll be counting down my Top 6 Pinkie Pie Moments.  Now the only rule I had is that these moments couldn't be songs or have appeared on my MLP Moments List.   The former because I did a Top 12 MLP songs that yet to be posted to ME.   Now I'll freely admit that it was hard narrowing down the Top 6 Moments of my favorite Earth pony but I think I came up with a solid list.   Also, is it just me or  does anyone else like I'm forgetting something.  

6.  She's Not a Tree Dashie -  Over A Barrel

This is easily the best part of Over A Barrel, which is an okay episode.   This whole conservation is just so funny but I think Pinkie steals it with how serious she thinks Dash is being about Fluttershy being a tree. And her line of "She's Not A Tree Dashie"  is funny because of how simple the line delivery is.  It's just so simple and so funny in how unimpressed Dash is.  

5.    I'll Wear This Mustache - Spike At Your Service

This is probably the only thing I liked about Spike At Your Service.  The plan that Pinkie has is just so convoluted and over the top.  But that fits her personality, so well and the topper is the mustache. I just love how Pinkie looks wearing the mustache.  She reminds of Snidely Whiplash wearing that stache.   Now sadly, she didn't get to wear the mustache.  Shame really but  I love that picture of Pinkie wearing the mustache.

4.    Do Me, Do Me/Meh I've seen better  - A Canterlot Wedding Pt.  2 

Only Pinkie could remain her bubbly self during an attack on Canterlot by the Changelings.   And she did.  And the way, she distracted that Changeling by getting her to change into herself.  And her reaction is  just basically nice try.  It was just so funny, also I'm sorry but I have to make this joke. Say Hello To My Little Pony.

3.   Pinkie Promise  

Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

One simply does not break a Pinkie Promise.   Not if you don't want to face the wrath of an angry Pinkie. Caution: cartoon ponies are highly flammable.

A Pinkie Promise is Pinkie's take on the old saying of...

"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye."

Pinkie takes these promise very seriously as you can see.  And it has been adopted by the fandom as well.  So, I know I'm cheating as this isn't one specific moment but when thinking of Pinkie, I had to include it as it is something that many  people think of when, they think of the party pony. So I had to include it.    This has been adopted by the rest of the Mane Six as we have seen others such as Rarity and Fluttershy perform the Pinkie Promise.


2.  Babysitting Pound and Pumpkin -  Baby Cakes

Okay before I get to this one, I do understand why Mr. and Mrs. Cake wouldn't ask Pinkie as she isn't the most responsible but... she's live with the Cakes. Hmm,  Sweetie Belle, you mind helping me with this one.

You are seriously telling me that Mr. & Mrs. Cake would not consider Pinkie, who not only works for them and lives them but they love like a daughter (Faust said this herself) to look after their own children.   Well,  okay now that I got that out of the way.   I'm more or less including the whole episode as a moment here because it is an important moment for Pinkie. As she learns that there is a difference between having fun with babies and actually taking care of them.  Yeah, I know I went on my little rant up top and yes, this was Pinkie's first babysitting job. And no, it didn't go so well because she didn't know how to handle taking care of Pound and Pumpkin.   This is one of the few times, where I honestly felt bad for Pinkie because she was trying so hard but she was in over her head.   I will say that Pinkie does get a little stubborn at one point, when Twilight offers help but she refuses to take it to prove that she can do this on her own.  This is an important lesson for Pinkie as it helps her mature and we get to see another side of a cute and adorable relationship between Pinkie and her surrogate siblings.     Also the ending, where they say her name and convince Pinkie to sit again is super adorable.  So even though I have my qualms with this episode,  I like it because we get to see Pinkie is a situation where she is in over her head and parties won't solve the problem.

1.  Passing The Paint Drying Test  - Too Many Pinkie Pies

Now this episode has grown on me over time and I think it is perhaps my favorite Pinkie episode and this is my favorite moment as it shows how much her friends mean to her.  The set up as the fans know, is that Pinkie wants to try and have fun with all of her friends and not choose, so she clones herself using the Mirror Pool.   Unfortunately, things get out of hand and there are too many Pinkies.   And most of them just want to have fun.   This test is anything but that, the Pinkies had to watch  paint dry and who could ever last had to be the real Pinkie.  And it was Pinkie was so focused because she wanted to be with her friends again.   I think the big reason, I like this moment so much is because of how focused Pinkie was.  You could see that she  wanted to be with her friends again and nothing was going to get in her way.  While the other ponies get distracted including this one.


Wow, that face is creepy.    Anyways getting back  on topic, this is a great moment for Pinkie as it reveals how much the girls mean to her.

There you have it, my Top 6 Pinkie Pie Moments.  Now I know there are going to be moments that others may like that aren't on the list.  But that's what happens, when you have a popular character.  Now I still  think I'm forgetting something.  I think it has to do with Gummy.  But what could be so important about Pinkie's pet gator?  Duh,   if  Pinkie's birthday was on the 3rd,  Gummy's birthday was the day before.  So also need to wish a happy birthday to Gummy.

He seems pretty okay about it.  Now there is only one way to close this out with Pinkie singing Happy Birthday. 

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